Author Note

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Hello everyone!

This is my new short story called Surviving You!

This idea came to me in the middle of the night and I literally woke up to write this down in my notes, I loved it so much!

I've been in a very sad mood recently so this story is going to reflect that. This isn't a happy, cheery story with the picture perfect ending. Many of you will not like the ending. But it's life and it's realistic. (I know a lot of people don't like sad endings but I promise it isn't necessarily sad, just realistic).

The book will be in the point of view of Alex and how he deals with the death of the love of his life.

The chapters will switch between his journal entries from after her death and core memories of the time they spent together.

This won't be a long story, like I said, it will be a short story with short chapters but I hope you all love it!

Thank you for giving it a chance. You won't be disappointed.

Remember to vote and comment what you think! Also add my story to your reading lists so others can see it too xx

- Laura Sea



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