04: Core Memory #2

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Core Memory - Our First Date

Sitting in the library, I try to finish my studies while Eric and Nate debate whether pineapple belongs on pizza.

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to study for my test tomorrow!" I groan at them as they turn their attention back to me.

"Yeah yeah, we get that you're a nerd buddy. No need to verbally express it" Eric teases.

I roll my eyes and my eyes catch a certain beauty walking towards me. Since the day we met, Ally and I have gotten so much closer. I love spending time with her. I just can't seem to get her out of my head.

She walks over to our table and takes the chair beside me. She gives me a bright smile and turns her attention to the bickering idiots.

"Finally someone with a working brain cell at this table! Okay Ally, important question. Does pineapple belong on pizza?" Nate asks her and she looks taken aback by the wild stares she's receiving from both Eric and Nate.

"Umm, yes?" Ally answers unsure and the table erupts with commotion.

"Ally no! Ewww! That's disgusting babe! And to think I once thought you were my soulmate! I can't be with someone who thinks pineapple belongs on pizza. I just won't do it. I'm sorry babe but this ends today. There can no longer be an 'us'" Eric exclaims dramatically. Ally looks at me with widened eyes.

"Did I just get broken up with?" She asks as she watches Eric pack his things and dramatically exit the library. Nate shakes his head and follows him out of the library, probably to rub it into Eric's face that he won the argument.

"Yeah, I think so" She busts out laughing and smiles brightly at me.

"So... whatcha doing?"

"Studying. I have a test tomorrow"

"Do you always study this much?" She asks curiously. I glance at my textbook and then back at her.

"I guess" I shrug.

"Well, do you maybe want to take a break from studying and go on a date with me?" She asks while nervously playing with my hoodie strings. My breathing stops and my highlighter drops from my hands. She wants to go on a date with me?

"You want to go on a date with me?" I ask her, nervously stuttering on my words.

"Yeah. I really like you Alex. But it's okay if you don't want to or you don't think of me like that. You're probably really busy and I shouldn't-". She nervously rambles and my lips curl up into a smile.

"I really like you too Ally. I'd love to go on a date with you" I tell her honestly and she blushes at my words. Hell, even I blush at my own damn words.

"Cool. Cool. Alright well pack up your stuff and let's go! I have a fun day planned for you" Excitement rolls off of her in waves and I can't help but smile. My cheeks have definitely started hurting from all the smiling I am doing.


"You know, when you said you had a fun day planned for me, I didn't expect to be breaking into the zoo!" I whisper/shout to her. She breaks out into a mischievous grin and holds the keys up and jingles them in my face.

"It's not breaking in when I have keys" She reply's in a "duh" tone.

"Yes it is if we aren't allowed to be here!" I stare at her dumbfounded. Please for the love of god, don't let us get caught. I can't go to jail. I have a test tomorrow!

"Relax Alex, nothing bad will happen" She calmly states as she slides one of the keys into a locked door. Clicking it open, she pushes me first into the room and then quickly shuts the door behind her.

I stare in awe at the exhibit she's brought me too. The aviary.

The exhibit is filled to the brim with trees and bushes, replicating a tiny forest. Birds are tweeting and squaking all around us, flying and swooping between the canopy of leaves.

I look back at Ally who is just as taken with this place as I am.

"Wow. This is definitely the coolest first date I've ever been on" I tell her honestly and she blushes a deep red.

She grabs my hand and leads me through the exhibit. A blanket lays out on the grass next to a picnic basket. We sit on the blanket and she giggles as she pulls the basket towards her.

She pulls out two juice boxes and a bag of goldfish crackers and smiles at me.

"Is that everything you put in there?" I look at her with my eyebrow raised. She really only put in a bag of goldfish crackers.

"Yep! Didn't feel like actually making any food so I threw a bag of goldfish into the basket and called it a day" She shrugs nonchalantly. I break out into laughter.

"You are amazing" I say as I steal the bag of goldfish crackers from her hands and munch on a few.

"Hey! Give em' back" Ally screams through laughter as she launches herself towards me. I lift the bag above my head as Ally outstretches her arms to try to reach. She fails and falls into my lap giggling.

I stiffen under her touch as she sits up on my lap, her chest touching mine. I've never been this close to a girl before. Especially a beautiful girl like Ally. I'm definitely freaking out.

She notices our current position and freezes. My arm lowers as I set the goldfish crackers on the blanket. My eyes never leave hers as she leans closer to me, her arms wrapping around my neck.

My breath hitches as my eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips. She licks her lower lip, biting it softly. My heart flutters and I waste no more time.

I close the distance, placing my lips onto her soft ones. Our lips move in synchronization and butterflies fly crazily in my stomach. Sparks fly between us as I realize I've never felt like this before. Well I've never kissed anyone either but this feels different. This feels right.

We pull away a short while after to catch our breath and Ally giggles shoving her head on my shoulder to hide her pretty blush.

Before either one of us break the silence, a bird flys above us and shits on my head. The hot liquid drips down my head and I hear Ally squeal and jump off of me.

"Oh my gosh!" Ally cries of laughter as she watches me intently. My face heats up and I drop my jaw in shock.

"This is not how I expected my first kiss to go at all" I mumble embarrassedly. Ally crawls back over to me and touches her tiny hand to my cheek.

"I guess I'm exceeding your expectations..." Ally teases as she leans in to kiss me again. The kiss doesn't last as long as the last one, but I still feel all of my senses heighten.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that..." I trail off staring at her in astonishment, wondering how on earth I got so lucky to meet her.

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Next update: Sunday!

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