21: Journal Entry #11

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Journal Entry #11

October 15th

A year and one month since

I graduated university today. I'm proud I pushed through and graduated. I know your proud too. Everyone keeps telling me how proud you'd be. I keep imagining what today would've been like if you were still here. You'd help me get ready, probably styling my hair and fixing my tie. You'd hold my hand the whole car ride there, calming my nerves. When I walked across the stage, you'd scream at the top of your lungs how much you loved me and how proud you were. When I finally make my way back to you, I'd wrap my arms around you and spin us around, only placing you on the ground again so I could kiss you a million times over. That's how I'd imagine the day to go. Except life doesn't work like that. Instead of celebrating with you, I'm sitting in our bedroom, journal in hand, thinking about how much I miss you, how much I wish you were still here. In better news, Nate proposed to Raven at graduation. She said yes of course. I could not be more happier for them. Truly. I'm glad they're getting their happiness. It's been a rough year for all of us and they deserve this happiness. I know Raven is really missing you. All day she kept looking at her engagement ring and sighing, I'm sure she would've loved to show you, to celebrate with you, to compare engagements rings and paint each other's nails while gossiping about your soon to be husbands. It's not the same without you here, we all miss you dearly. You left us too soon. We still need you, I still need you. I love you Ally, my sweetheart.

Forever yours, alex

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