12: Core Memory #6

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Core Memory - Our High School Graduation

"Can you believe it? We're graduating high school. We're graduating from hell everybody!!!" Eric exclaims happily. We're standing outside Raven's house, waiting for the three girls to finish getting ready.

"So, are you ever going to tell us what's happening between you and Raven?" Eric teases and Nate blushes a deep red. He scratches the back of his neck and looks towards the pavement.

"Nothings happening" He mumbles out.

"Nothings happening?" I question, my lips tugging up in a small smile. Nate and Raven have been all over each other since the party over a month ago. But whenever anyone asks, they always say it's nothing.

"Guys seriously it's nothing. She doesn't want anything serious" Nate grumbles angrily.

"Nothing serious? Why wouldn't she want a relationship with you?" I ask confused. When two people like each other, they get together. What's stopping them?

"I guess she doesn't see me as boyfriend material... god I don't know. I tried talking to her about it but she shut down the 'what are we?' conversation real quick. I don't think she likes me like that. It feels like she just wants to be friends with benefits" Nate sighs and looks up at Eric and I. I look towards Eric and he looks serious, one of the few times I've seen him serious.

"I'm sure she likes you for you dude. Raven's a cool chick. She wouldn't play with your feelings like that. Give her time. Maybe the whole relationship thing scares her" Eric advices and Nate and I look at him in shock. Did he just actually give helpful advice? And not joke or tease someone?

"Don't look at me like that! I can give good advice you know! I'm not just some charming, handsome face guys. There's actually some depth to me okay?" Eric complains and Nate and I chuckle.

"Thanks Eric, I appreciate it" Nate laughs as he slaps Eric's back sincerely.

"Alright bitches whose ready to graduate?" Julia screams in joy as she runs into Eric's arms and he swings her around.

I catch Ally's eye and she motions to Eric and Julia. Ally thinks something will happen between them but I don't think so. They've been such close friends for so long that I don't think they like each other like that.

Ally walks over to me and places her arms around my neck and smiles up at me.

"You look lovely" She compliments while placing a quick kiss to my lips.

"And you look gorgeous. You ready to graduate sweetheart?"

She nods happily and we glance over at Nate and Raven who are immersed in a quiet conversation.

"Alright, Raven and I are going to drive separately and meet you all there" Nate announces while opening up the door to his car for Raven and she slides in.

"But we were all supposed to drive together!" Eric whines and we all send him a glare.

"What?" He throws up his hands in defence. His eyes widen in realization after a few moments. "Oh shit. Good luck man!" Eric calls and Nate shakes his head and gets into his car and drives off.

"Wait what's happening?" Ally whispers innocently and I grin down at her.

"I think they're going to have the relationship talk" I whisper down to her and she squeals in excitement.

"Alright love birds, we got a ceremony to get too" Eric announces as he grabs Julia's hand and drags her to his car. He opens the passenger door for Julia and she slides in. Ally and I take the backseat and Eric pulls out of Raven's driveway and we head off to the high school.


"Ally Winston" The announcer booms over the mic and our friend group all cheer for her as she's the last of us to be walking the stage. I'm cheering the loudest. Probably the most proudest boyfriend in the world.

"You did it sweetheart!" I cup my hands around my mouth as I yell at her. Her eyes catch mine and she breaks out into a big grin.

She walks off stage after accepting her diploma and races over to us. She runs into my arms and I spin her around, my heart fluttering at her contagious giggles.

"We did it Alex! Gosh, you've made my senior year so great. I love you!"

I kiss her lips and stare down at her lovingly. God, I'll never get tired of this. She's it. She's the one. She always has been and always will be.

"I love you too sweetheart. You've made my life so much better and I couldn't imagine it without you"

"You don't need to, I'll never leave. Forever yours remember?"

"Forever yours sweetheart" I agree and we kiss again. When we pull away, we find Nate and Raven congratulating each other with a kiss.

"Please tell me you two finally got together!" Eric groans at them. Nate pulls away from Raven with a Cheshire smile and Julia squeals at their blushing faces.

Julia slaps Eric's chest excitedly and Eric traps her into his embrace and kisses her forehead happily. She freezes and pulls away from him awkwardly, her blush as deep as Raven and Nates.

"Yeah, we're together!" Nate announces and Ally and Julia tackle Raven into a big hug.

I walk over to Nate and slap his back in a caring matter and we nod once.

"So, what's going on between you and Julia?" Nate teases Eric and he rolls his eyes.

"Drop it. Seriously." Eric mumbles and changes the topic. "Let's get the hell out of here and par-tayyy!" Eric exclaims.

Never thought I'd accomplish so much in my final year of high school. I think the biggest surprise was finally getting a girlfriend. Nate and Eric had serious bets placed that I'd stay single till my final year in university. Guess I proved them wrong as I was the first to get into a serious relationship. Haha losers!

As I look around at my friend group, Nate and Eric bickering as always, Julia and Raven gushing about Raven's new relationship, I catch Ally's gaze already on me. She's watching me silently, a big smile on her face. Her eyes have never been so bright and I think I've fallen in love with her all over again.

God, could life get any better than this?

I thought this was a really cute chapter! What do you think?

Please remember to vote and comment!!

Next Update: Sunday!


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