24: Core Memory #12

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Core Memory - The Video She Left

"That seems to be everything" Nate announces as he places the last box into my new apartment. Eric is sitting on my couch, phone in hand, scrolling through his social media.

"Happy to see some things don't change" I grumble to Nate as I point to Eric who has been sitting on his ass this entire time instead of helping. Just like last time. I repress memories of the time I moved in with Ally. I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand and grab a water bottle from the fridge. I toss one to Nate who thanks me with a nod.

"How're you doing?" Nate asks as he takes a swig from his water bottle. I shrug my shoulders.

"It's difficult. It feels like every little thing reminds me of her in some way. I'm glad I escaped the apartment though. I think I would've gone crazy if I continued to live there" I joke and Nate nods his head understandingly.

"What did you say Raven and Julia were doing?" I ask him and I feel him freeze. I have a pretty good suspicion it's wedding planning. As much as I've told him that it doesn't bother me to talk about wedding planning, he always speaks hesitantly, afraid he'll set me off.

"Dress shopping. It's just Raven, Julia and Raven's sister. Raven wants to keep the wedding party small and intimate. Since I don't have any brothers, you two dipshits are my groomsmen" Nate announces.

"Wow. What a lovely way of asking if we wanted to be in your wedding! Really, it almost brought me to tears" Eric fake sobs as he walks into the kitchen, stealing Nate's water bottle and chugging its contents.

Nate smacks the bottle out of Eric's hands and causes Eric to choke on the water.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" Eric asks after recovering from his near death experience.

"Like you'd actually help him if he did" Nate grumbles to himself and Eric shoots him a glare.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for all the help today Nate" I smile genuinely and pat his back. We all begin to walk to the front door and Eric gasps in disbelief.

"You're not going to thank me?"

"For what exactly?" I tease and Eric punches my shoulder.

"I'm kidding. Thank you Eric for keeping my couch company while Nate and I moved all the boxes. I don't think I could've done it without you" I joke and he smiles brightly.

"Anytime Alex! You have my number!" Eric shuffles out of the door and Nate shakes his head and follows along after him. They both wave goodbye as I shut the door.

The silence is deafening and I can't help but to think about the time I moved in with Ally. A small smile finds its way to my face as I recall the happy day all those years back.

I remember how much I didn't want to unpack and how hard Ally tried to get me to unpack. I lock my front door as I remember Eric interrupting us. That won't happen anymore but I still don't want any unwanted visits.

I walk into my new bedroom, eyeing the boxes stacked high. I take the one of the top and open it up. I ruffle through the contents until my hand finds a USB stick. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

I look at the label on the box, Ally's personal belongings, I wonder what is on this.

I find my laptop and place it on my desk and stick the USB into my laptop. A part of me feels like I shouldn't be doing this. That I'm infringing on her privacy. But another part of me is desperate to know what is on there. Maybe it's a video of her and I? Maybe it's a family video? Maybe it's a bunch of her favourite pictures? Maybe it's just a school project she had to do.

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