xxi - revealing flashback

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As soon as I revealed the evidence I had been holding onto, everyone erupted with concerned opinions. My father was adamant that he hire security for me while he builds this case to put Rick behind bars . They're going to request a warrant to search his and Shirley's place as well as detectives try to apprehend him before he does anything else.

They talked about following Shirley because she would surely bring them to Rick . And knowing my ex-friend she isn't as smart or as sly as she thinks she is . I was only the foolish one to believe that anything meaningful came out of my relationships with either one .

"I'll be with Alex," I said .

"That's a good idea, it'll be easier to put guards out . Plus I feel safer with Alex being with you," my father says.

"Alex?" I hear Warren call for him through the video conference , "I'll send you some emails to connect you into your desktop at work. I'm ordering you to work from home until we can make sure you're all safe."

Alex didn't argue with his brother, mostly because he didn't want to leave me alone . And if this was me from before, I would have been cowering more but I'm only slightly .


Rick had left for work . Or what he says is work . He ordered me to clean the house and make sure that it's in order before he comes home. He acts like I'm his maid and not his wife . When did this change happen?

He used to adore me, worship me before we got married. But it was as if someone had turned the lights off when the vows were exchanged. Now it's just coldness . Now he can't even look at me the way he did before. What did I do?

What have I done?

Any glimmer of affection he decides to dangle in front of me I jump. I'd do anything to feel that same love he used to give me in the beginning. But I haven't seen it. Even with everything I do for him, done for him , nothing. I sacrificed everything, everyone.

There a nights he doesn't even bother coming home . The few times I've confronted him he tells me that it's none of my business and that it's his life . But the moment I'm gone for even an hour, all hell breaks loose.

Trapped. I'm starting to feel the suffocation of being jailed in my own house. In my own marriage . Where did I go wrong? Because he says it's my fault we're like this.

I sigh and pull myself out of my thoughts. I finished cleaning everything else in this house . So I'll head to his den. His office .

Everytime I pass by it's closed. There was something eery about it that I never thought twice to go in. Maybe it's because Rick never gave me permission. But today, he told me to clean and organize every inch of the house . That's permission, right?

I hear my footsteps heavy with anticipation reach the front of the door. Reaching my arm out and wrapping my hand around the knob I feel clammy and nervous. It's like I'm going up a door that leads to hell . The dread and anxiety vibrating off of me. I don't want to go in, but at the same time I need to.

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