ix advice

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The dinner was going well . Up until that walking temptation strolled into the restaurant. What the hell is she doing here? Isabella and I had a very shortlived romance when I was in Italy . It only lasted a couple weeks and I'd like to keep that memory tucked into the past . Nothing good can come out of her being here, especially since I've finally realized that Nikki is the woman I want to be with . Isabella could be the thorn to try to mess with it.

Instead of going straight home after I dropped off Nik and then Stephanie, I went straight to Warren's. I looked at my watch, it's a little past 9 , so I hope that it's not too late.

"Alex, what're you doing here? Everything okay?" A wide eyed Aria answers the door.

"How did you know I was here?"

She points at her doorbell, of course . She has one of those Rings that alerts you when someone is at the door , "I can't let anything disturb the baby."

"Ah, well. Is Warren awake?" I asked , looking into the hallway.

"Yeah, he's in his office," she says pointing towards the slightly opened door.

"Maybe you both can help me," I tell her as I begin to make my way towards the office .

Warren looked surprised to see me and then worry set in as he saw the state of distress I was in , "did things not work out?"

"Workout?" Aria echoes.

"Oh , that part was okay.  Stephanie and I are good , she had been cheating on me when she was off on a work trip, no biggie," I casually say.

"Wait, what?" I can sense the anger building in Aria.

"Whoa, before you start directing your wrath towards her, you should know that my relationship with her was never serious . It really was just for show . Besides, she knows," I say to Warren.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"She knows for awhile my true feelings apparently and that she wants to help me," I say.

"Okay I'm lost, please tell me what's going on," Aria interrupts.

Warren gives his wife an affectionate look , "My dear brother is in love with Nicole."

Aria's mouth forms an 'O' and then glances back at me , "Oh my gosh, and we tried to set her up with Austin. I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize."

"Well, thanks for that . It's okay, they went on one date but I intend to keep it just to that one date," I say confidently.

"Alright, so what's the problem?" Warren asks.

"After we cleared up everything, I took the girls to that new restaurant that Dante opened. While we were enjoying our dinner , Isabella walks in," I say.

"Who's Isabella?" Both of them ask.

"She's like a mythical creature that makes you do stupid things . She's beautiful but impulsive, demanding and downright crazy. I had a short romance with her when I was in Italy . Let me just say, they were one of the darkest moments in my life . Believe it or not darker than the whole Penny thing. When I left , left her, I felt like I could breathe again."

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