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The week could not go by any slower. I'm looking forward to crashing Nik's date . It's not really crashing if I was invited, which haha, in your face Austin. Of course he doesn't know that I consider him rival now, but he is. At least when it comes to her.

I've seen Nikki a couple more times since dinner.  I've cuddled with her on her couch while we watched our favorite shows like old times. Come to think of it we were like this when I was technically still with Stephanie. And looking back, Steph and I were never this close or affectionate. No wonder she said what she did.

I was so lost in thought about what's happened the last several days and even week that I didn't notice when Jasmine was standing in front of me,  "Alex?"

Startled I sit up on my seat a little straighter , "yes Jaz?"

"Everything okay? I've been buzzing your phone for the last couple minutes."

"Oh , my apologies, my mind must've been somewhere else," I say.

"Here are the reports you asked for. Also, you have a visitor," she says with a grin.

"Oh? Who's here?" I ask .


I didn't even look at the folder she handed me as I stood straight up and out of my office. There she was , chatting away with Warren. She just has this effortless glow about her and I'm pulled into where she's standing . Her bright smile lights up this room and I can't help but return it back to her.

"Hey, what a pleasant surprise," I say.

"I was around the area and decided to pop in. Drop off some snacks for the floor, if that's okay?" She's an amazing baker just as much as she can cook. So of course I was more than happy to accept her small token .

She had everything wrapped up in this cute cellophane . Each one had a tag with encouraging words. Warren gave me that look, the kind that says that I better snatch her up . Giddily she walks away from us and begins to give each person on our floor these boosts of treats.

"Has that siren left to go back to Italy yet?" Warren leans in and whispers.

"I have no clue . I haven't heard from her since the day we threw her out of the building."

"Find out so you can finally be with Nicole. And don't come up with any excuses," he says.

I nod as I watch her interact with each person. Her last stop is with Jasmine in which she gives her a much larger treat. They stand there animatedly talking and every once in awhile she would look over to me and wave . My heart began beating just a little bit harder and a little bit faster.

Making my way towards her , I pull her into my office , mid sentence . "Hey! I was still conversing with Jaz."

"Sorry," not sorry , "I'm just happy you're here."

"You mentioned some big account you guys have been working on and thought since you've been putting in a lot of overtime, everyone else is. So I made goodies," she explains.

"This will brighten everyone up. Thank you," and then I hugged her. She squeezed me back in her tight embrace . Oh how much I wanted to kiss her . But it's not time yet . She's still going on that date with Austin . And I need to make sure that psycho isn't here anymore .

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