xxii - exposure

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*warning: content could be deemed triggering, verbal and mental abuse. Some explicit sexual content in this chapter.*


I've got her now . She thinks that she can fool me? That I wouldn't find out that she wasn't actually with Austin? I have to reward Shirley for the job she's done so far. She isn't completely useless. I mean , she's good for more than sex , which I'm being honest is average at best .

I will ruin Nicole for walking away from me. I will ruin her for dating other men . Doesn't she get it? She's mine . Everything about her, everything that is her, is mine. Her money and her connections are all icing on the cake , but no one else is allowed to indulge .

If I can't be with her, if I can't have her, then I'll ruin her . Do I love her? No . I don't know how to love , but she was my most prized possession . I made the mistake of allowing Shirley to make her involvement known . Had it not been for that, I'd still have full control of Nicole.

"So what now?" Shirley asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You're probably going to get the money , and then what? We can leave, right?" She says.

"I'm not leaving until I get what I came for," I don't bother to cast another glance her way . She's becoming a sore spot in my life . One I hadn't anticipated.

She huffs as her arms cross in front of her flat chest, why did I pick her? There's nothing to grab onto or play with. Not like with Nikki. "Are you still in love with her? I thought you said we're only going to get her money and then be done."

I laugh , not a hearty one, but a dismissive one as I snarl my lip up, "We, are not getting anything. I am. I don't understand how you think that you would be involved with me past this."

Her jaw drops , not in the way that is pleasing or that I'm used to , "what?"

"You have to know that what we did was just to give me my fill . You were there, willing to give up your body to me. I have no other use for you. You know that right?" I say to her .

"I gave up my friendship with her for you," she seethes.

I shrug, "You were SUCH a good friend . Coming into my office with nothing but your birthday suit under that coat. You were SUCH a good friend when you got on your knees and sucked me off," I remind her.

"You, you......." she stutters not able to finish her rant.

"I what? Didn't I give you what you wanted? You knew I was married to your bestfriend but you still ended up on my lap," I state.

"I thought you wanted us together," she deflates into a whisper.

I laugh even harder. Her delusion was definitely grand. "What do you have to offer to me? Nicole was everything."

"Then why did you let us happen?" She cries.

"Are you kidding me right now? You opened your legs. You're an easy lay . Shirley, you were just there to fill my time. I told you not to get attached but you stuck by my side hoping to fill Nicole's spot. That was never going to happen," I say flatly.

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