iii face to face

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We arrived in front of this nice hotel early in the morning on Sunday . Aria didn't have time to book two rooms and insisted that we all share the one that they had. There were two beds . She and Nikki will take one and I can have the other. I didn't protest only because today was going to be a long day .

The plan was to go to her house and get all her things . She said she doesn't need the furniture , she didn't want anything that she "shared" with him , which included the bed . The only things she needed were her clothes , any of her own gear or workout equipment, as well as pack up her beauty room . I didn't even know such a thing existed .

Nikki had called a few people on her phone and once we all got to her house a couple men were waiting. She walked up to them and opened the door. I assumed these were the movers she hired, although I saw no truck.

Once she was back out and walking towards us she explained, "those men are from my lawyer's office . I had to give them paperwork on the things we're taking out of the house so that they can write it down in the divorce papers. I'm glad my dad talked me into doing a prenup . I was angry as hell when he brought it up but they made a good point , so I had that drafted."

Who is this woman?

"I'm glad too . Could you imagine ? He would've totally taken you for everything. How are your financial accounts going?" Aria asked.

Nikki shook her head, "he took everything out of our joint . That bastard took my damn money Ar. He's a bum that quit his job over a year ago . He's been spending it frivolously. Thankfully I had my own personal account . He walked out right when my attorney was trying to get me to sign paperwork for some policies that would have included him . I'm glad I waited."

"Isn't this your house? His name isn't on it, right?" She asks Nikki.

"Everything is mine, I bought everything,  including his clothes . But I only want my things. I'll be selling this place once we have everything settled. My prenup was pretty ironclad and you know me," she looks at Aria.

"You've never once thrown away a receipt.  I remember how anal you were about it," she smirks, "I suppose that definitely came in handy in this instance."

Nikki nods , "I have proof that everything is mine. I'm not going to be coldhearted though. He'll have time to go through his things as well."

"Does he know that you're here?" I ask , with both of them turning to face me.

She shrugs , "it doesn't matter. He stopped coming home days before he demanded a divorce . I tried to reason with him but when I saw Shirley being his back up, I was done."

I could see the anger and hurt all over her body , "I still don't get how she could do this."

"She's a bitch, I never liked her," Aria said , surprising me with the emotion behind the word.

"I never treated her badly," Nikki tries to say before getting choked up .

"She was never a real friend. Best friends don't sleep with your husband . Best friends don't willingly accept the gifts or money bought by your money . She knew the situation and yet she was all for it. She's evil," Aria soothes as she rubs the back of a now sobbing Nikki.

I couldn't help that my fists clenched at the new information being offered in front of me . This woman seems to have gone through a lot . My need to help her increases. I hate hearing stories like this, it was the same with Jasmine and her ex. I wanted nothing more than to pummel his face but she made me promise her that I would let her deal with it.

This is on a whole next level of crap . Maybe not as crazy as what Aria dealt with not so long ago but it's pretty close. I walk over to them . And Aria looks up at me while Nikki begins to sob uncontrollably into her hands.  Once she's calmed down we were able to finish packing all her things . I had walked by her ex's office when I noticed the door ass slightly ajar. Not thinking in any harm of peeking, I looked inside.

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