Chapter Four: The Start of a New life

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The door creaks open, causing shadows to move across the walls. The sound of soft footsteps quietly echoed in the room as they stopped at the bed.

Alaric looks down at the sleeping witch, who was unaware of his presence. He reaches over and gently caresses a lock of her silvery hair.

Alaric was no ordinary boy. Being the future Emperor of the world- he never had the mentality of a child nor the experience of one.

His mother had happily given him up for 100 gold pieces to Church which then tried to inslave him. He has had to survive countless attacks from both demons and assassins sent on the behalf of world leaders who did not want the ancient prophecy to come true.

He was used to feeling animosity and hostility from the people around him due to his natural aura which scared them; so when he met Celestia- he assumed that she would be no different. However, he was proven wrong.

Celestia protected and treated him like an individual: not as the future Emperor. Alaric could not describe the feeling that was starting to burn inside him. He releases the witch's hair and quietly left room.

'This should be interesting.' He thinks as he shuts the door behind him. 

The future Emperor has started to grow interested in the Witch.


The next morning I smiled at Alaric as he came into the kitchen. "Good morning Alaric, did you sleep well?"

He nods at me as he slides into a stool. I handed him a plate full of food and was happy to see him eating so well. 

"Today, I would like to assign you a few chores." I poured myself another cup of tea as Alaric cleared another plate. "Once your done, come outside."

I walked out and headed towards the garden and the barn. I currently had a hen house with a few chickens while half the barn was the inside portion for three goats and the other half which housed my horse.

"Good morning Star." I greeted the grey horse who nickers at me and blows at my hair. "I have someone to introduce you to."

I turn to face Alaric who had silently followed me. "Alaric, Star. Star, Alaric. It's okay." I gestured for Alaric to come forward. "Star won't hurt you."

He edges over and I could see Star starting to get agitated.  "Shhhh.... Star, its okay- I'm here." I sent some calming magic to him which helps to settles him.

"Hmm." I sighed as Alaric stood besides me. "It looks like you might not be able to help out with Star. It's not your fault Alaric, he's usually tense towards other people."

I tried to see how the goats would react to him with the same ending- the only animal that didn't run away were the chickens.

'It's probably because of his presence.' I think to myself. In the novel, Alaric was described to have a Alpha Male presence that either caused animals to completely submit or become hostile to him. Once he got to a certain point in his life- every creature, including dragons would bow to him; completely dominated.

The chickens weren't affected since they weren't that smart.

"Okay." I turned and looked at Alaric. "Every day, come out here and check to see if there are eggs and clean up any waste in the chicken coop. Give them fresh water twice day and feed them two cups of feed around noon."

"Yes, Tia." Alaric nods at me, looking very cute as he watched the chickens. 

"Every other day, use this hose to water the garden. I had it watered the other day so today I will show you how to do it." I demonstrated how to use the hose; which was a magic device I made that connected to the well. "Outside of that- your free to do whatever you want."

Alaric took the hose from me and finished watering the garden as I watched on. 'It might be a good idea to check on the barrier.'

I get up and headed past the barn to the outskirts of clearing. "Reveal." My barrier appears like mist as I put my hand on it.

"What is that Tia?" Alaric asks, standing behind me.

"It's my barrier. It makes sure that nothing comes in here without permission, so I try to check it every few days since it can be weakened if a very strong enemy attacks." I paused for a moment. "Don't worry, that doesn't happen very often-but it's better to be safe then sorry."

Alaric continues to follow me as I walk around the clearing  with my hand on the barrier. I increasing grew nervous under his gaze.

"Something wrong?" I ask after I was done.

"Your strange." He says simply. "Aren't witches supposed to be cruel?"

"Well...." I paused. "Some are. Witches are just like normal people you know- some are good, some bad, and others are a little of both. I've only met a few other witches in my lifetime and each one of them were definitely unique."

"I see." I could feel his eyes on me as I retreated to the house. 

"Haaa." I sighed once I no longer felt him watching me. "This is going to drive me insane." The way that he was watching me, I felt like I was being studied.

I knew that Alaric could be possessive; not just over his soulmate- but his allies too. He treated them well, but heaven forbid if they were harmed at all since he would hunt down the people or beings that did it.

So, it was a good and bad thing that he was starting to have an interest in me. Good because that meant he wouldn't randomly kill me; bad because my plan of sending him off on the journey of becoming Emperor of Vesia might become complicated due to the fact that he might want me to come with him.

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