Chapter Twenty-six: Dealing with a Witch

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Everyone stood in stunned silence as the last few rocks fell. Small giggles escaped from me as I tried to control myself causing all eyes to land on me.

It has been a while since I last overused magic. Having three consecutive battles and gaining a familiar had used up quite a bit of my magic. It's basically like drinking alcohol and getting drunk; some people become become reckless, sleepy, angry, happy or overly affectionate. 

Me? I'm a mixture of both overly affectionate, happy and reckless.

"Tia?" Alaric takes my hand in concern as I leaned over the cliff to look down. 

"Can't see him!" I erupted into more giggles then turned to hug him to which he stiffens. I buried my face into his bare chest, enjoying the warms and feel of it.

"She must of over used her magic." I could hear Alaric's voice which vibrated in his chest: it was both amused and concerned. " Can you walk Tia."

"I can..." I say but pouted once he moved away. I glanced over and saw Suli. "Suli!" I walked over, not noticing that I was swaying with each step as he lowered his head to face me. "You okay?"

I am quite alright. Suli nudges and watches me start to braid his white fur. Though it seems that you might not be.

"I'm great!" I waved him off and laughed, patting him on the head. "It's been a long time since I've felt like this!"

I wander off, humming a little, looking to see where Alaric was. He and Kimbra were speaking quietly off to the side as the four others were grouped up around the cliff. I walked over, semi-noticing the looks that I was getting from the four people.

Reid had excitement and awe written all over his face, Nolo had curiosity, and the Muscled man & red-haired woman seemed to be apprehensive.

"I'm sorry." I turned to look at the two of them. "I never caught your names."

Muscle man and the woman looked at each other before introducing themselves. "Barrett." The man nods as I smiled at him then looked at the woman. 

"Blair." she sighed, but she was way more polite then before.

"Blair and Barrett..." I pondered their names for a moment. "What pretty names!" I laughed at the confusion on their faces as I turned to Nolo and Reid. "Hello!"

"Are you okay?" Reid grabbed my arm, making me conscious of the fact I was swaying on my feet.

"Hmm hm." I tilted my head and smiled, my hood falling down as my hair spilled out. "Totally fine..." I stumble into him and giggled. 

Suddenly, I was pulled back into a firm chest with familiar arms wrapped around me.

"Alaric!" I giggled again, looking up. "Hello!"

"It seems that I need to keep a shorter leash." Alaric whispers as he suddenly scoops me up and princess carries me.

"What?" I hadn't heard him clearly over my giggling. "What ya say?"

"Nothing important." He smiles at me. "It looks like I'm going to need to carry you."

"I don't wanna be carried!!" I grumble and start to struggle against him.


"No!" I pouted and tried to push him away with no luck: he was stronger then I was.

"What about a piggy-back ride?"

I paused, thinking it over and watched his face for any tricks. "Fine." I agreed.

Alaric sets me down then kneels before me. "Climb on."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, loosing them just a little bit so I didn't choke him as Alaric's hands reached straight back and pulled my legs closer then linking his fingers before slowly getting up.

Kimbra had joined us at that point and held a hand against my back as he stood.

"So high!" I smiled and rested my chin on his shoulders. Alaric chuckles as he starts to walk, Suli and the rest following him.

"Where we going?" I asked starting to play with his long hair in boredom.

"Back to the village."

"Why don't I just teleport us there?" I knocked my head lightly against his. "It's much faster; I can go anywhere I've been to once!"

"We wanted to walk." I could only see one side of his face and I looked back at the others to see them all nodding along with his statement.

"Fine." I sighed deeply, starting to feel a little tired. "Then I'm going to sleep."

"Sleep well Tia." I buried my face in his fair as he continued, swaying lightly with each step.

"Hmm." I hummed in response, his scent filling my head and lulling me to sleep.

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