Chapter Twenty-two: A Familiar Contract

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Note: Small change in Chapter twenty-one and Chapter fourteen. 14: its not a tattoo the shadow kisses, its the ring. 21: its the part when Alaric is looking for Celestia; otherwise the rest is the same.

If I was going to do this, I have to do it quickly. The Fenrir was growing weaker by the minute.

"Hey." I say as I moved up to its face. "Do you understand me?"

The Fenrir seems to ignore me for a moment but opens its eyes to look at me.

"There is only one way for me to save you." I swallowed my nerves as it watched me. "Becoming my familiar."

I waited for any response as my heartbeat so loud, that I was sure it could hear it. 

"Being my familiar, allows even the worst of injuries to heal." I continued. "Of course, it does not mean you become a slave- this is a partnership.... And if you decide after one year that you do not wish to be my familiar: we can dissolve the contract. It will take about a year for those injuries to be completely healed." I added after seeing it's expression.

"You don't have a lot of time left." I shifted under it's gaze. "Please. Let me help you."

My chest started to hurt with how hard my heart was pounding before it raises it head and nods at me. I let out a sigh of relief as I carefully cradled its head in my hands. Bending forward, I lightly rest my forehead against it's forehead and stared into it's eyes.

"I, Celestia- Witch of Healing, Guardian of Life do swear to walk besides you until our path parts. I promise to always come to your aid no matter the distance, to always be there when you need me. Will you do the same?"

Magic swirls around us as I spoke, lifting my hair and fluttering its fur; slowly binding the two of us together.

I, Suli-King of all Beasts, Warrior of the Fenrir's do swear to walk besides you until our path parts. I promise to protect you from harm regardless of your enemies, to always be there when you need me.

The Fenrir's deep voice echoed in my head as the magic sealed: our mark glowing from our connection. I released Suli's head and saw the mark; a crescent moon with ivy tangled along it, slowly fade and disappear as the magic penetrate into Suli and began it's healing.

Suli looked like he was healed, but it only barely healed the surface: it was going to take more time. He stands up, his legs slightly trembling before straightening. 

I had to take a few steps back to be able to look at him comfortably, since he towered over me.

Thank you Celestia. For saving my life. His voice echo's in my head again as he lowered his head to look into my eyes. 

With the familiar contract: we shared our memories as our link came into being, so he now knew of both my past and present memories and I knew his. He had been attacked by a strange creature which we both have not seen. 

That was the strange part- that creature was not in the novel. Too many things have started to diverge from the novel; Alaric not meeting his soulmate, certain events that haven't even happened at all, missing key members of Alaric groups with addition of new members.... I could go on. 

By changing how I interacted with Alaric, it was a chain reaction that has completely unraveled the original plot. I had thought that I could send him off to realize his destiny as the Emperor of the world without any bad experiences and everything would be alright. More and more thoughts threatened to overwhelm me as my stomach dropped.

Suli started looking through my memories as I overthought and pauses at my past life. 

It seems that there is much to this world then I thought. He says, bringing me back from the metaphorical cliff that I was on inside my head.

I shook myself and smiled at him, pushing my thoughts off to the side for the time being. 

"I don't mind answering questions, but please do not mention them to anyone else." I giggle a  little as he rubs his face against mine. "It's not something that I want people to know."

Do not worry, I will not reveal anything. He says gently. You are under my protection now.

"Thank you."

Suli circles me once before rubbing faces with the silver wolf from before.

I apologize for the rough way that you were brought here. This little one saw that you are able to use healing and wanted to help me.

"I kind of figured that out already, but it's okay- as long as he?..." I trailed off as Suli shook his head. "She doesn't drag me like that again, then it's fine."

Would you be able to make a contract with Jewel? Suli asks as the silver wolf: Jewel looks at me expectantly.

"Well, it wouldn't be a familiar contract, but a pact. She won't have as many benefits like a familiar contract but I can share magic with her which could be helpful."

Then please do so. Suli gestures for Jewel to move forward, standing before me.

This wasn't nearly as fancy as earlier but Jewel had the same mark on her forehead with one difference: no ivy.

I sighed in exhaustion after our mark faded.

"Can you lead me back to my companions?"

Of course. Suli and I walked together as Jewel hopped in front of us.


I was back at the entrance of the cave when I heard Jewel growl. She had left the cave before I did and was standing defensively before the opening; preventing me from leaving.

"What's going on?" I started to move forward but was stopped by Suli. "Hey, hold on!"

He pulled me backwards by the hood of my cloak and also stood before me.

"Would you let me...." I had some difficulty maneuvering around him and  Paused at the scene before me. "Alaric?.... Whoa! WAIT!!!" I jumped between him and Jewel mid swing of his sword towards her neck.

How the Emperor trapped a WitchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora