Chapter Fifty-three: Trapped

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"Hm." I groaned, my head pounding as I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I struggled to sit up, rubbing my temples to ease the pain and felt a hand brush against my face.

I leaned into it a little until memories flashed into my mind, someone grabbing me then making me pass out out on the terrace. I froze for a moment as I realized the person touching me was not Alaric and quickly slapped it way before attempting to scramble to the farthest side of the bed that I was laying on.

"Where do you think your going?" The person chuckles in amusement, grabbing ahold of my waist and dragging me back towards him as his black wings blocked off any other avenues of escape.

Let go of me!  I struggled, throwing my elbows back in hopes of stunning him enough to release me and noticing I couldn't hear my voice at all. But he manages to avoid my blows and tucks me into his chest as he smirks down at me.

"Your feisty in the morning." He starts to laugh at my death glare. "Now, now- no need to glare like that! I know I must of surprised you, but I couldn't help but lay down next to you. Your so cute when your sleeping."

I look away in anger but he forces me to look up at him, holding my chin so hard that I knew a bruise would later form. 

"Hm..." He sighs before leaning down and licking my cheek. "I was waiting for you to wake and see your reaction, but I wasn't expecting to be so hated."

Radna chuckles as I vigorously rubbed the spot his tongue had touched me with my hand then wiped it on the bed sheets. 

Knock Knock!

We both look towards the door from which the sound came from as a voice in a strangle guttural language which causes him to sigh in annoyance.

"It looks like we will have to continue this later, my little Witch." He lets go of my waist that allows me to quickly fly off of him as he stood up. He stops at the door for a second before turning back to look at me.

He flicks his hand around and a long black chain suddenly appears, extending towards and attached itself to the black collar. 

"These cuffs and collar will make sure that you stay obedient and not use any magic when I'm not around." He lightly yanks on the chain, causing me to fall forward a bit then he smirked when I glare back. "Feel free to explore your new room. I know you will be bored while I am gone."

Radna drops the chain and opens the door, allowing me to catch a small glimpse of another person standing there before it closed. A soft click echoes around the room as I gritted my teeth in anger. 

A few minutes later, the anger drained into the beginnings of despair as the situation completely hit me. I was trapped. I had no idea where I was and how to get back home.

I curled up into a ball for quite sometime, using all my willpower to not allow any tears escape my eyes. There was no way that I was going to cry here, I knew that Radna would enjoy it.

After taking a few large calming breaths, I sat up and examined my 'new' room. 

It was a fairly large room with the large four poster canopy king bed that almost took up an entire wall with rich purple drapes with lighter shade sheets. Cold stone floors were bare with no rugs while decorative tapestries hung on the walls depicting terrible scenes of war and famine. 

A fireplace stood directly across the bed with one large armchair, seeming darker than blood while the light from the roaring fire danced across it. A dark cherry armoire dresser stood on the right side of the bed with big golden knobs that glistened. 

It was a surprising simple room with very few things with another two doors next to the dresser. I glanced inside both of them and saw that one was a bathroom and the other was a sitting area with furniture the same color as the armchair but a bit more decorative. I spotted another door in that room and quickly went to try it; but it was locked.

I tried each of the windows in the sitting room and bedroom which no luck. I even tried breaking one of the windows but the glass merely cracked then healed like it had never been hit. 

I threw down my makeshift bat and collapsed onto the small ledge in the sitting room, staring out the window. There probably wasn't much point in breaking the window anyway since I was so high up.

From what I could tell, the room I was in faced a cliff side that seemed to have no end with the rest of the view showing only the strangely violet sky with two moons, one more transparent then the other. 

My stomach started to growl, getting louder and louder until I was no longer able to ignore it. The smell of food wafted in the air from the bedroom and I cautiously approached the door, peaking in to see a  table standing next to the armchair.

No one else was in the room. 

After staring at it for a few more moments, I walked over and examined the tray. Sliced white bread, a small cup of cream soup, and a plate of what seemed to be roasted chicken took up most of the space with a glass of ice and a pitcher of water stood off to the side. 

I considered throwing the tray and all it's contents onto the floor, since I had no idea if there was anything strange in the food. But from how empty my stomach felt, it must of been sometime since I was brought here against my will- and I needed something to keep my strength up to fight back from anything Radna could throw at me.

I grudgingly sat down and noticed that there was no knife. Did he really think that I wouldn't be able to fight back without a knife?

How the Emperor trapped a Witchحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن