Extra: Seventy-three

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"Tia." I could feel someone gently shaking me awake. "It's time to wake up, my love." 

"Hmmm." I groaned, trying to keep ahold of the nice dream I was having.

"If you don't get up soon..." The voice trails off for a moment before the sensation of hot air tickled against my ear. "I'll have to find another way to wake you."

"Only if I get a kiss." I turned my face towards the owner of the voice with a smile while keeping my eyes closed.

"Hmm. I thought you would take me up on my offer." The voice muses as lips came against mine, nibbling my bottom lip. "Though this isn't too bad."

"Mhm." I open my eyes to see a smiling Alaric leaning over me. "Unfortunately, I'm too busy today."

"You can do it tomorrow." Alaric says slyly, caressing the side of my face.

"We don't have a lot of time left Alaric." I patted him on the face and slid my feet over the side of the bed. "I want it done so I don't have to worry about it later."

My feet touch the soft fur carpet as I carefully stood up, groaning a little as my lower back started to ache. Alaric quickly supported me as I walked to the bathroom; I could feel his concerned eyes on me.

I am pregnant- very pregnant.

To be honest, I wasn't surprised when I have found out that I was pregnant a few months ago since nighttime Alaric was-is very sensual and passionate doubled with the fact that there isn't a lot of birth control here.

I had terrible morning sickness during my first trimester and half way into my second- Alaric being there through each step.

He's massaged my feet and legs whenever I was tired, bring my favorite food including anything I was craving to me any time, walked with me though the gardens, everything a husband should do- he's done.

I've even caught him reading a few pregnancy books in the library.

But Alaric has also been very overprotective of me, getting worse the closer I came to my due date and now that I'm two days pass the due date: he's been having the doctor checking on me every three hours.

It took a lot of convincing for him to allow me to decorate the child's room that hasn't made a lot of progress since he keeps making up excuses to come check up on me.


"Alaric." I glare up at him from behind the door, starting to close it. "If you open this door without permission one more time- you'll be sleeping on the couch. I'll send someone if I need you."

"Okay..." Alaric give me big puppy-dog eyes and I could almost see those darn ears on top of his head.

I quickly shut the door so that I wouldn't be affected and sighed.

"How are you feeling Master?" Quinn says as she observed me. She and Valerie were here to help me since I wasn't able to lift much right now. 

"Fine." I sighed again as I went to sit down on a couch. "I'll feel better once I'm holding this kid in my arms." I caressed my abdomen with a smile before looking at her.

"What color do you want the walls?" Valerie gets right down to business. 

"Green walls would be nice... And could we paint a forest scene on that wall there? If we put the crib in it's center, it would look really nice."

"What color should the crib be?"


Valerie continued writing down everything I said as the afternoon sun poured sunlight through the large windows and I started to get hungry.

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