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It is a dark crime show with explicit gore scenes which can get depressing at times

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It is a dark crime show with explicit gore scenes which can get depressing at times. I felt S1 was brilliantly written as a show about murders and crimes, it was very interesting to watch. I especially loved how Wendy was written, although it didn't go deep into her romantic life other than breaking up with her then gf, she was an interesting and inspiring character not only because she was queer but as a character itself which is rare in media.

Unfortunately, S2 didn't feel as interesting, although it started out good it felt dull in later episodes, Wendy herself was reduced to a kinda trophy queer character, I didn't mind they got into her romantic life more in fact I loved it but it was the only thing we were shown, she didn't do much the analysing or observing the killers which she was supposed to do in the first place, even the climax of the series itself was VERY unsatisfying and disappointing.

Although Wendy and her gf had a fight and kinda break up at the end I felt like they could have gotten together after some communication if we had a chance for a S3 but unfortunately, it was cancelled.

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