Chapter 57- Finale

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A/N: So this is it guys, the final chapter! I have been taking a long time writing this chapter and i hope you like it as much as i do! I just have to say thank you, thank you to all of you that has stuck by me through all this time and commented, messaged, voted and read my cherised story. If there is a request of a epilogue, comment in the section below!

And if you're interested in reading an interview with me that TheRenegadens wrote, check it out here:

I love you all, Thank you! 


Taylor's POV

I was sitting in a chair. It was truly uncomfortable but for some reason I felt forced so sit as perfectly still as possible. The position was so unpleasant and made my back hurt that I started considering moving. Shifting and straightening out I suddenly heard a low cry. Startled I looked down my lap and found a toddler, tightly wrapped in a blanket sleeping peacefully.

Who the hell was this baby belonging to?

A little panicked I looked around for someone to help me, but I was sitting alone on a wooden porch right by the beach, the sand stretching a bit ahead until the ocean crashed against it. The baby suddenly cried, wriggling like crazy.

-Oh my god, ehm… please… little… baby?

I didn’t even know the name if this infant, how would I ever be able to soothe it! I frowned as the baby in my lap started crying even more, making my ears hurt like crazy.

-There there, don’t be sad. I am sure your mom or dad will get you and make you stop crying, I hushed and wiggled my legs to maybe rock her a little. That was a mistake, the crying enhanced by a tenfold. I winced and stood up, carrying the baby and started swinging it instead. It seemed to work and suddenly, the little child opened its eyes and looked at me.

-You have no gift with her, Mellie chuckled as she suddenly came up behind me. Without knowing what to do, she took the baby from my grasp and with ease she bobbed her up and down and the little girl stopped crying immediately. Frowning I saw Mellie turning around with the girl in her hands and walked through a glass door. Following I saw everybody sitting at a table.

Hirato, Georg, Bill and Gustav... who also was holding a toddler in his arms.

-Taylor, you’re just in time for lunch! Hirato explained and pointed to the empty seat next to him. Frowning I walked around the table, watching everybody laughing and getting food on their plates as the two children were sleeping in Mellie’s and Gustav’s arms. Sitting next to Hirato I tugged on his arm.

-Who’s are the kids? I whispered to him and he looked at me with surprised eyes.

-Taylor… they are Mellie’s and Bill’s kid and Gustav’s kid, he said doubtingly.

-What?! When did that happen? I hissed and looked at the children who were pleasantly sleeping.

-They are like 8 months old, where have you been? He cocked an eyebrow at me amusingly as I gave him a glare.

-Don’t get smart with me, where’s Tom? I whispered.

Suddenly Hirato’s eyes changed, the humorous glint disappeared.

-Taylor, you know where, he whispered. I gave him a confused look.

-No I don’t, just tell me where he is Hirato, I sighed.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang