Chapter 9

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Taylor's POV

The ceremony was over fairly quickly and during the time that Bill and Mellie were talking pictures, the guys and me hurried back to the house to check on the last things before all the rest of the guests arrived.

There were tables and lights set up around the pool and the terrace had been cleared out for it to be some kind of small dance floor. A while later, the few guests had arrived and I greeted all of Mellie’s relatives and family, since I knew them from before.

I had a chance to talk a little bit to some of the people from Bill and Tom’s guest list as well and it was almost only friends but their two uncles and aunts were there too. They said they were the closest relatives to the twins that actually accepted their mafia lives, so naturally they were invited.

After a while the married couple joined the party as well. Both of them had smiles on their faces that were so big it looked like they were going to crack their lips. I almost cried when the first thing Mellie did when she arrived was to go straight up to me, giving me a tight hug and mumbling “ Thank you, I love you Taylor” in my ear.

Mellie was my best friend and I would do anything for her happiness. I also got a hard hug from Bill, saying practically the same thing to me as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

People sat down and started eating food and got acquainted with each other. Bill and Mellie sat next to each other in the center of the whole placing with me, Gustav, Tom and Georg at the same table.

Georg and I had a great time, feeding each other with the delicious Italian food and joking around like we always did. Tom past us a few irritated glances once in a while, whilst having a deep discussion with Gustav about something, but I ignored it. It wasn’t my problem if he had issues with Georg and me goofing around.

Suddenly Mellie’s mother, who’s name was Sophie, stood up. She was a slender woman in her late forties. She had the same brown hair as Mellie but was a bit shorter, nevertheless with the same body type. She looked at Bill and Mellie with a big smile as everybody quiet down.

“Mellie and Bill, I think everybody here can see how much you two are in love. I must admit though, I was a bit nervous when my daughter told me she was marrying a boy I’ve never met before” she said as everybody chuckled.

“But the short time that I’ve been spending with Bill, I know that he is the perfect man for Mellie. Their meeting however was a bit odd I must say. When Mellie and Taylor moved to Tokyo I was terrified. I was even more terrified when I heard that she had met a boy. Of course I got nervous for both the girls sake since Taylor is like a daughter to me as well” she said and smiled warmly to me as I gave her a thankful smile.

She didn’t know about Bill being a mafia boss, well Bill technical wasn’t. Tom was the boss but Bill was right beneath him.

“But after Mellie insured me both Bill and his brother Tom was nice boys I knew I had nothing to worry about” As she said that I glanced towards the brothers who looked a little embarrassed and awkward, they weren’t used to someone older talking about them in a positive way.

 “But to sum it all up. Mellie and Bill, you will love each other to the last day of infinity and I know you have the best people around you. I love you both and I love you too Taylor” she said and held up her glass.

I looked at her with soft eyes as I raised my glass like everybody else as we cheered and drank from the champagne.

The rest of the night lingered on as the cake came out and everybody had a piece. The sun was setting on one side of the party as suddenly the baker who did the cake appeared and lightly tapped on a glass with a spoon, getting all the guests attention.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now