Chapter 19

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A content sigh erupted from Blake as he shifted in the bed, slumping down. He had been sleeping with content for the last couple of hours. I on the other hand had gotten almost no sleep at all. First of all, I was too confused by my thoughts and feelings and second, I was too worried.

I had this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Blake shifting again, the cover sliding down on his naked torso, interrupted my thoughts. I guessed he thought it was too hot in here. I crawled out from the bed and up to my window as I creaked it open just a tiny bit.

The fresh air felt nice to my hot face, making me feel a tad more relaxed. I glanced across my shoulder at Blake who had his face pressed down in the pillow, his arms and legs spreading out across the bed. A small smile appeared on my face due to his cuteness.

I looked out the window into the dark night once again and felt my lips scorching from the kiss from Tom. It had been something else beneath it, it wasn’t just a kiss, it was more like a farewell. My heart clutched as I progressed the thought that it might actually had been some sort of goodbye.  

I groaned to myself and slid my fingers through my distressed hair. Why did everything had to be so unbelievable complicated in my life. It was never an easy choice. Suddenly voices and the sound of feet across the floor in the hall reached my ears.

I snapped by head towards the door and in a second it flew up as Hirato barged in, making me jump. Blake woke up violently, flickering his gaze towards Hirato in the gleam of the hall light. Hirato stared at the bed and Blake before frowning when he realized I wasn’t there.

"What’s wrong?" I quickly asked as he shot his head to me and a slight relieved expression crossed his face.

"There is something going on and we don’t know what" he said and turned his head to Blake who looked confused.

"We’ll be down in a minute" I said trying not to let my nervousness get to me as Hirato nodded and disappeared.

"What’s happening?" Blake asked as he slowly pulled himself of the bed. I hurried over and helped him up as he reached for a t-shirt and put it on with a small painful hiss.

"I have no idea" I murmured and took his hand. He followed me as I rushed downstairs to the living room where everybody was sitting...except Tom. 

"What’s wrong?" I stressed and pressed Blake’s hand in mine in pure tension.

"We don’t know!" Mellie cried out. Bill held her hand as well and stroked her knuckles comforting. Hirato was sitting next to Gustav and they both looked like their thoughts where somewhere else.

"We got a mail saying to log onto this website in a few minutes. We thought it was nothing but the message contained a photo of Tom’s car, the window totally smashed and the car completely destroyed" Georg said and twitched his head up and looked at me. A small gasp erupted from my lips as the feeling in the pit of my stomach burned.

"We tried to get a hold of Tom but nothing"

Bill's voice was flooding with worry. My mouth felt dryer as Gustav finally looked up at me, waving his hand as he referred me to come closer. On the table, in front of everybody stood his laptop with a black webpage, screening big gray numbers that was slowly counting down. It was merely a minute left as Blake and I took a seat next to the rest of them. We all held our breaths as the numbers counted down from 10 seconds, now in the color of red.





Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now