Chapter 30

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Several days went by with my dad watching over me like a hawk. Wherever I went or whatever I did he was always there or in the next room. The only time he left me alone was when Tom and the guys were out doing business work. I was starting to get so frustrated to a point that I thought I would simply break and lash out on my dad. I was a grown woman for crying out loud and he was treating me like a twelve year old.

It hadn’t been easy though. I knew I was aggravated and frustrated over the situation that he was following me around all the time, not leaving me alone with Tom for one second.

"Can you pass me the other magazine?" Hirato asked as Bill stretched out and grabbed the magazine from the table and tossed it over to Hirato.

My dad and I, along with the two guys were sitting out on the terrace, doing nothing in particular. I was writing on another essay as Bill was looking through his computer and Hirato and my dad was reading some newspapers. I had been on edge this entire day and I tried to take my irritation out onto my assignment.

"Geez it was just a question" Mellie muttered as she came out through the door together with Tom right behind her with a flat look on his face. She took a seat next to Bill and cuddled into his side as he comfortably placed his arm across her shoulders, like it was right there it was meant to be placed.

"What?" Hirato asked amused as Tom took a seat in the chair next to him.

"I was just asking Tom a question as he completely snapped me off" she muttered, giving him a glare, as Tom looked unaffected.

"Don’t mind him, he is just a big baby" Hirato joked as Tom tensed his eyes at him.

"You have been awfully grumpy lately" Bill teased with a sly grin while glancing at me.

"Seriously, you are getting worse and worse!" Mellie continued. I felt a little bad for Tom, if I was frustrated, it was nothing compared to what he was.

He had been hissing and snapping at people all day without any reason. In fact I could see him more and more aggravated for each day that passed that we barely could talk to each other to not get my dad suspicious.

I wasn’t lying if I didn’t say it was starting to strain on our relationship. He was accepting my choice however, that I wanted to find the best moment to tell my dad. But I just couldn’t figure out how without making my dad heart-breaking disappointed in me.

"I think he is starting to go into menopause" Hirato sneered and was retorted with a slap in the back of his head.

"Ow, that hurt!" He whined and rubbed the hit spot with the palm of his hand.

"Deserves you right" Tom muttered as a small giggle erupted from me.

Earning a few surprised looks, I realized it was the first time I had laughed in several days.

"Taylor, you are finally smiling again!" My dad cheered, looking up from his paper. I shrugged my shoulders and turned my head down into my paper.

"Yeah, I’ve missed that" Mellie chuckled and nudged me with her foot. I sent her a grateful smile and tried to concentrate on my laptop.

"Hey where are you going Tom?" My dad asked amused by everybody, as I raised my head and saw Tom already halfway out the door into the house.

"For a drive" he muttered and waddled away. I sighed low to myself. I needed some alone time with Tom and he definitely needed it too, we both did.

"Oh a nice drive would be delightful in this weather" my dad exclaimed cheerful and went back to his newspaper. I rolled my eyes and nudged Mellie.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now