Chapter 35

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Taylor's POV

Sitting on the porch stair down to the sandbank, I watched the waves hit the beach line in frequent patterns. It was completely dark outside but it was a true serenity over thie spluttering sounds of the water and the whistle of the wind. Tom was inside making some calls that he needed to do and I was appreciating the time I could get by myself. I needed to clear my head a little bit, take a break and calm down.

Inhaling a deep breath of the ocean air, I let the oxygen relax my shoulders and slow down my heartbeat. It felt nice to know that Tom and I finally had cleared the air between us. The incident that broke us apart two years ago wasn’t something that we wanted to discuss but it had hung over us like a dark shadow. But finally everything was out and it felt relieving.

Glancing inside the house where the light was coming from, the nervousness suddenly started to grab a hold of me. I really wanted to show Tom how much I loved him but frankly I was uneasy to just how. Realizing how unreasonably nervous and shy I was being I straighted myself out.

Dear god woman you need to pull it together!

Huffing a breath, I quickly stood up and brushed off my legs from the sand. It was time to make things happen and it needed some guts, not cowardness! I turned around and walked silently into the house as Tom’s voice from another room reached my ears. Guessing by the seriousness of his voice, he was still talking business but as long as he wasn’t calling Bill, whom he would call last, I would have some time on my hands.

Going upstairs, I went inside the bathroom and grabbed my bag with me. Ruffling around in it I picked out what I felt was necessary. I started off with trimming my nails the slightest bit before moving onto rubbing lotion all over myself.

The sweet-lemon smell was surrounding the bathroom and it eased my nerves. Fixing my make-up and applying some extra mascara, I tried to make my eyes look as big and alluring as they could. Tom was fond of big eyes so I was keen on making my center feature pop.

Finishing with brushing my hair and tossing off my dress to just be in my lingerie, I felt ready and excited, as well as eager. Looking over myself in the mirror one last time I actually felt kind of sexy. I was wearing a turquoise set of underwear that had lace and gave me a slight pushup.

It really contemplated the sun kissed color I somewhat had achieved. With my loose waves falling down my back, I felt satisfied. I walked out into the bedroom and turned down the light a bit as I cuddled up in the huge fluffy bed. Feeling it was not much to do before Tom came back, I put on the TV.

I managed to keep my calm up until the moment I heard his footsteps in the hallway and the door cracked opened. As Tom came walking in, my heart rate increased rapidly as he looked at me and smiled softly.

-Bill and Mellie sends hugs, he chuckled.

-Sweet, I miss them, I smiled.

 I sat a little higher up in the bed, deliberately letting the cover slide off my torso, revealing my bra to see if I spiked some good reactions. Tom’s eyes scanned me quicklym trying to be subtle and I could see his jaws tightening before his eyes started to flicker and a look of uncertainty crossed his face.

-I….uhh… I’ll just take shower…you know, he murmured before turning and walking with determined steps into the bathroom, closing the door swiftly behind him.

What on earth was up with him now? He took a shower only a couple of hours ago.

 I frowned, maybe Tom didn’t want this at all. Judging by the almost horrific look on his face he was not so thrilled over what I was suggesting.

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz storyWhere stories live. Discover now