Chapter 110

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A/N: I had to split this into two parts as it was running really long. Anyway, enjoy part one...
Just as he'd thought, he hadn't slept a wink last night. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about that 'I need to talk to you'. And imagining what she would say was ripping his heart out. Every time he'd closed his eyes he'd seen the look on Becs' face when she saw Justin. That smile. Thinking about it now, he had to swallow against the lump in his throat.
He rubbed again at eyes that felt sore, gritty and were probably red.
It was nearly 5am - five hours until Becs was due on set.
All that time that he'd been trying to get her there, and right now he'd do anything to avoid it. To avoid seeing her and having that conversation. The thought of it was making him jumpy, and despite the Xanax that he'd taken, his emotions still felt too close to surface.
Even driving wasn't helping that much.
He'd left much earlier than needed so he could go past Becs' place on the way.
He pulled into her street, rolled to a stop and stared.
The car's still there!
He spent the night.
He sat there for a full minute, blinking hard against the prickling of his eyes, before driving off.

Chris took a deep, steadying breath and walked onto the set. Rob and Renner were talking nearby, and walked over when they saw him arrive.
He really wasn't in the mood for people today.
'Cutting it a little fine, Dorito.' Rob said, nodding his head to the large clock on the wall.
'Yeah, what gives? You're normally Mr Punctual.' Renner added.
'He got wasted last night.' Liz said, coming up behind them. 'Sandra in makeup was complaining about how long it took to make him presentable. You completely messed up their schedule.' She added to Chris.
Yeah, she'd taken one look at his bloodshot eyes and assumed he was hungover. He hadn't felt like correcting her, so he'd just sat there while she'd bustled around him, telling him off.
'Drinking? On a school night?' Rob said, looking at him consideringly. 'And not just any school night.'
'Huh?' Renner joined in.
'Big day today.' Rob continued. Then he nodded to someone across the set. 'Be right back.' He said.
'Oh yeah, your girl's coming on set today, isn't she?' Renner grinned.
'Don't call her that.' Chris muttered through gritted teeth.
She's not my girl.
She's his.
Renner laughed. 'Don't worry - we won't call her that when she gets here.'
'When who gets here?' Hemsworth asked, joining them.
'Chris's girl.' Renner said.
She's not, though.
'Is that today?' Hemsworth punched him jokingly on the arm. 'Woo-hoo.'
Oh fuck off!
'Hope you brought your A game, mate.' Hemsworth continued.
'Yeah, 'cos no offence but it's been decidedly B or C game until now.' Renner chipped in.
Hemsworth snorted. 'C? Try Z game.'
Chris took a deep breath. 'Just give it a rest, guys.'
'We're just looking out for you, my man.' Renner said. 'We don't want you to flame out.'
Too late for that!
'He's not going to flame out, are you Dorito?' Rob said, returning.
God, will you all just shut up!
'Did you give him the flirting book yet?' Renner asked Rob.
'Not turned up yet.'
'Well if you want some tips before-' Hemsworth began.
'Yeah-' Renner added.
'No!' Chris interrupted, loudly. 'I don't want any tips. I don't want to talk about this. Just shut up!'
Hemsworth blinked at him. 'Just kidding, mate.'
'Well don't.' He gritted out. 'Excuse me.' He added, striding off to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

'What bug crawled up his ass?' Renner said.
'Yeah, what the hell's up with him?' Hemsworth added. 'I though he'd be happy that she's finally coming on set.'
Robert watched him closely. 'Be right back.' He added, finding a quieter spot so that he could check in with Scar and Scotty.

The Love Doctors 🚑
Scar 🕷
Scotty 🎤

Something's off with Chris

Scar 🕷
What do you mean?

He's really on edge - he just snapped at Hemsworth

Scar 🕷
Maybe he's a bit anxious - you know Becs is coming on set today - it's a big deal for him

Dunno. Seems more than that.

Scotty 🎤
Hey guys

Scar 🕷
Hey Scotty

Also, Sandra in makeup said he came in looking like shit - she thought he was hungover, but I don't think he is

Scar 🕷
That's not good

Have either of you spoken to him today?

Scar 🕷
No, not yet

Scotty 🎤
No - now that you mention it, I messaged him a couple of times last night but he never got back to me. I just know...


Scotty 🎤

Something going on that I don't know about?

Scar 🕷
I don't think Chris'd mind us telling Rob

Scotty 🎤

Scar 🕷
He was going to finally tell Becs how he felt about her last night


Scar 🕷

You don't think he fucked it up, do you?

Scotty 🎤
Maybe he bottled out and he's mad at himself

It doesn't look like a 'mad at himself' mood. It looks like a 'something's gone horribly wrong' mood

Scar 🕷
And he definitely hasn't replied to your messages, Scotty?

Scotty 🎤
No. Complete radio silence


Scotty 🎤
What time's Becs due in?

About ten, I think

Scar 🕷
Well, I'll be in just before that, so keep an eye on him until I get there, Rob. And maybe run interference with Renner and Hemsworth - doesn't sound like he needs their teasing today

Will do.

Got to go now - briefing's started

Scar 🕷
Okay, see you soon.

A Chance Meeting | Chris Evansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें