Chapter 52

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Chris 🤪

Hi there

Chris 🤪
Up to anything good?

Viv is making me watch some awful romantic comedy 🙄

Chris 🤪
Poor you

It's total drivel. I swear that if I hear one more reference to 'true love' or 'soulmates' I'm going to barf 🤮

Chris 🤪
🤣 🤣 You don't have a single romantic bone in your body, do you?

Yes! I can be romantic. This is just a really bad film

Chris 🤪

'If you and loverboy have to text ten billion times during my film, can you at least put your phone on silent?' Viv asked.
'Sorry. Are we interrupting your ogling of Scott Eastwood?'

Chris 🤪
Scotty says that you're coming to see his band tomorrow 🎤🎸

'Oh, bloody hell Scotty!' Becca complained.
'He's told Chris that I'm going to see his band.'
'And this is terrible why?'
'I deliberately hadn't told him. I wanted to go under the radar, you know - nip in, listen to the band and then leave without seeing anyone.'
Viv gave her a questioning look. 'Why?'
'Well, don't you think it seems like a bit much? I mean, I've only known Chris a month or so, and now I'm going to watch his brother's band? Don't you think it makes it sound like I'm some kind of stalker? Or crazy and desperate?'
Viv laughed. 'He won't think that! It's not like you're some crazy fangirl is it? And to be honest, if anyone is doing the stalking, it's him. So chill.'


Chris 🤪
That's great 👍🏻 I'm going too. Why don't we go together 😁

'Yeah, he seems really bothered about it!' Laughed Viv.

Thanks, but I don't want to gatecrash your evening.

Chris 🤪
You wouldn't be gatecrashing. Besides, Scotty said I should give you a lift - that place is really hard to find

Don't worry, I'm sure that I can find it

Chris 🤪
It's no trouble

Oh no, I couldn't possibly - I don't want to make you go out of your way

Chris 🤪
Okay. Is this a weird British politeness thing? Or do you not want to go with me?

Chris 🤪

I guess that it's a British thing - it's considered very bad manners to invite yourself along to a social event. People back home would be horrified

Chris 🤪
🙄 how do you Brits cope with all those rules?


Chris 🤪


Chris 🤪
Scotty's band is playing tomorrow night - I'd love it if you would go and see them with me.

Chris 🤪
Now I've invited you. Does that help with the weird British thing? 😁

Becca snorted with laughter.
'Aww, now that's cute. You can't say 'no' to him after that.' Viv said.

😆 Okay. But I could meet you there

Chris 🤪
I'll come and pick you up

But what if we want to leave at different times?I guess I can get a cab back if I want to leave earlier

Chris 🤪
Do you have to be home by midnight or you turn into a pumpkin? 🎃

Something like that 😁

Chris 🤪
Seriously though, when you're ready to leave, I'll drive you home - I'm not letting you get into a cab

Getting kind of bossy there, Christopher. Not really up to you

Chris 🤪
Sorry, but it's one of the things that my mom drilled into me - if you pick a lady up, you make sure she gets home safely

That's kind of old-fashioned.

Chris 🤪
I know

Chris 🤪
Waiting for you to make a Steve joke.....

I wasn't going to

Chris 🤪

Don't get me wrong - I was thinking it 😉 but I figured that you'd probably had enough Steve jokes to last you a lifetime

Chris 🤪
Nah, it's fine, I don't mind - go ahead

Well, the moment has kind of passed now, but I'll remember that for the future

Chris 🤪
So, the show set starts at 8, so I thought that I'd come and get you about 7?

Sounds good

Chris 🤪
Unless you want to grab something to eat beforehand? I know a really nice place to go for dinner. And don't worry, it's not sushi 😁

Sorry, but I've got to work a bit later tomorrow - it's going to be enough of a rush to be home by seven. I won't have time to go and eat anywhere

Chris 🤪
Okay. Another time maybe



Thursday 6.09pm

The box slipped in Becca's hands and the pile of papers fell and covered the office floor.
She'd been rushing round trying to finish this job because should have left work ten minutes ago. And now the papers that she'd spent the last three hours sorting and cataloguing, were a mess.
She sighed. There was no way that she could leave them all over the floor like this.
I'm not going to be ready for seven.

Hey. You about?

Chris 🤪
Yeah - just got out of the shower. What's up?

She gave herself a moment to imagine that, before shaking her head to clear those thoughts away.

I'm running late. Sorry

Chris 🤪
Okay. How late?

I'm still at work ☹️

Chris 🤪
Oh, that late. We're still on though, aren't we? You're not bailing?

No, I still want to go, but I think the earliest I'm going to be home is about 7.15. Might be later than that

Chris 🤪
I could come and pick you up from work, if you want...

Becs snorted, imagining the looks on her colleagues faces if they saw Chris picking her up. That would certainly lead to a lot of questions that she had no idea how to answer.

Thanks, but it wouldn't speed things up at all - I need to come home and shower because I've been in the basement all day and I'm dusty and gross

So maybe it would just be better if I met you there - that way I won't make you late too

Chris 🤪
It's fine - Scotty won't mind if we miss the first couple of songs

Okay, well I'll get there as quickly as I can, but like I said, it's not going to be before 7.15

Chris 🤪
Have you eaten anything?

Not since this morning, I've been too busy. I'll grab something from the vending machine on my way out

Chris 🤪
You can't survive on vending machine food 🤮 - I'll pick up something that you can eat on the way to the club 🥪

Thanks, that's really nice of you

Chris 🤪
Wow 😲 I thought you were going to argue about that

I would, but I'm hungry 😁

Chris 🤪
🤣 See you soon


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