Chapter 102

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A/N: Here's the second half of the chapter and we get to know Becca's feelings and her worries.
I know a lot of you aren't going to be happy with the direction that the story goes for a bit, but have faith - it'll get there 💕💕
She grabbed her phone to message Chris.

Becs 📚
Hi there. Just got home

Chris 🤪
This late? I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you.

Becs 📚
Yeah, loooong day.

Chris 🤪
How'd it go?

Becs 📚
I'm knackered and dusty and I've got a headache. ☹️ Plus I think I'm going to be really sore tomorrow from lugging round all the boxes. But it'll be worth it when it's finished

Chris 🤪
I'm sure it will. Have you eaten yet?

Becs 📚
Yes Mum 😉

Chris 🤪
I just know what you're like when you're busy

Becs 📚
Well, Viv's here and she fed me

Chris 🤪
I'm glad

Becs 📚
She also made me chocolate martinis, which are verrry nice 😁

Chris 🤪
Are you drunk? 🥴 🤣

Becs 📚
No, just a little bit tipsy.

Chris 🤪
So I won't be getting messages at midnight, asking if I'm from Montana, then? 😉 😆

Becs 📚
No 😳

Chris 🤪

Becs 📚
In my defence, that only happened the once

Chris 🤪
Yeah, I know. But it was funny

Becs 📚
I've got another early start tomorrow, so I definitely won't be drinking too much tonight

Chris 🤪
That's probably wise

Chris 🤪
I'm sorry again for earlier - all the messages and calls.

Becs 📚
Don't worry about it

I do though

Becs 📚
Yeah I know

Chris 🤪
I'm really sorry about all those stupid articles as well - I don't know why they care so much about who I'm seen with

Oh no, let's not talk about those.

Becs 📚
That's okay. Like I said, it's not your fault.

Chris 🤪
But are you alright? I was worried that you'd be upset. It took me years to get used to that level of press intrusion.

What do I say?
Should I tell him how mortified I am? How much I hated it?
Will he freak out if I do?

Chris 🤪

Maybe I should just be honest with him. Plus, having this conversation via messages will be a lot less embarrassing than in person.

Becs 📚
You want the truth?

Chris 🤪
Yes, absolutely

Becs 📚
Well, the truth is I really didn't like it. I made the mistake of reading one of the articles, and it was really embarrassing - I mean, they just made stuff up! How do you deal with that all the time?

Chris 🤪
That side of being an actor sucks! The tabloids can be so intrusive. I wish I could turn it off, and I'm really, really sorry that you've had to deal with it

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