Chapter 32

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Chris 🤪
Hey Becs


'Is that lover-boy again?' Ella asked.
'Please don't call him that.' Becca grimaced.

Chris 🤪
Sorry it took so long to get back to you - filming ran really late

No worries.

Chris 🤪
I hope you haven't been sitting around waiting for me to message 😉

Yeah right, of course I was 🤣 🤣

Chris 🤪
😳 Well that puts me in my place

I'm at the park with Viv and Ella, just laying here enjoying the autumn sunshine 😎 ☀️

Chris 🤪
I'm jealous. I wish I could be at the park. Instead I get to spend the afternoon in a stuffy studio 🥵

Poor you

Chris 🤪
Before I forget, have you seen Moana yet?

Not yet. It's on my list

Chris 🤪
Because the movie theatre near me is doing a Moana sing-along showing next Saturday lunchtime. Do you fancy going? I think it'll be a good laugh

Becca froze for a second. Is he asking me out? No, of course he's not. He's a world famous movie star, he probably takes his dates to fancy parties or expensive restaurants, not Disney sing-alongs.

Sorry, I've got plans with Ella and Viv

Chris 🤪
Oh, okay. Maybe another time?

'What's he saying?' Asked Ella, watching her intently.
'Nothing much.'
'Why have you gone all twitchy, then?'
'I haven't.'
Before Becca could react, Ella leaned over, grabbed her phone and read it.
'Ella! Give that back!'
'Ella, stop winding her up.' Added Viv.
'Oh my God. He just asked you out!' Ella said.
'What?!' Viv squeaked.
'He did not.'
'And you blew him off.' Ella said, looking at her like she was crazy. 'Because we do not have plans on Saturday. Why'd you tell him we did?'
Becca shrugged. 'I don't know.'
'I think you do.' Ella said.
Becca gave her a dirty look.
'I mean, he's Chris Evans for goodness sake.' Ella said.
'Yes, exactly! He's Chris Evans! Not the normal guy I thought he was.'
'I liked him Ella, when I thought he was a regular guy, I really liked him. But now it's all different.'
'Yeah, if you like him and he likes you, why does it have to be different?' Viv added.
'Because he's Chris Evans! He plays Captain America - his face is everywhere.'
'If I fall for him and it goes wrong...his face is everywhere.' Becca said quietly. 'How could I get over him if his face is everywhere?'
There was a small pause. 'Is this because of Justin?' Ella asked gently.
'Look, I know that it sucked with Justin - you loved him and he didn't love you. I know that you found it really hard to move on, but are you never going to date anyone else ever again, just to make sure you don't get attached?'
'Plus, you're assuming that it'll go wrong.' Viv added.
'Yes, because he's Chris Evans! I googled his dating history last night and-'
'No!' Viv cried. 'Why would you do that?'
'And he dates models and actresses and tv stars. Not librarians.'
'Let me get this straight - you're assuming that it'll go wrong because he's famous and you're not, and you're going to friendzone him so that you don't get attached.'
'That makes me sound so...'
'Yeah.' Becca admitted.

Chris 🤪

'I think he's waiting for your reply.' Ella said, getting up. 'Me and Viv are going to get drinks. We'll be back in a bit.'
'Okay. Diet coke, please.'

Sorry, I was talking to Ella about something

Chris 🤪
Maybe another time?

Yeah, sure

Chris 🤪
Great 👍 I'm sorry again for waking you up this morning

Don't worry about it. I should probably apologise to you for being such a grouch

Chris 🤪
Were you grumpy? I didn't notice 😉

Chris 🤪
Although Mackie was impressed with the savagery of your memes, especially the one where you wanted to kill me 😉

🥺 Sorry.

Chris 🤪

I'm not normally like that in the morning, I just didn't sleep well

Chris 🤪
I've got time now, if you want to talk about it

It's nothing major. It was know sometimes at three in the morning when you can't get a thought out of your head and it just goes round and round until you feel like you're going to go insane?

Chris 🤪
Definitely 😫

But then the next morning it's nothing and you're like 'Why was I even worrying about that?' It was just like that. No big deal

Chris 🤪
So what was the thought that wouldn't go away?

Aren't you meant to be eating lunch now?

Chris 🤪
I can multi-task. Don't change the subject

Don't you have anything better to do with your lunch break than listen to me talk about why I couldn't sleep? This is not exactly the high-flying superstar lifestyle I had imagined 😉

Chris 🤪
Nope, nothing better to do at all. And Renner says you're deflecting

Renner says? How does Renner know what I'm saying?

Chris 🤪
Umm...he's sitting here with me

You all have lunch together?

Chris 🤪
Yes. And he says you're deflecting again

Damn. He's good

Chris 🤪
He says thank you. Now tell me what you were thinking about

Okay. It was you actually

Chris 🤪
Me? In a good way, or a bad way?

Let me just start by saying that I totally understand why you didn't tell me who you were and I'm not upset about it anymore. But last night I was still a bit freaked out, and I couldn't stop wondering if anything else you'd said was a lie...or if everything was. I started thinking that maybe I didn't know you at all

Chris 🤪
I swear to you that everything else I told you was real


Chris 🤪
Do you believe me?

I'm working on believing you

Chris 🤪
I wish there was a way that I could convince you...

Chris 🤪
Rob's just had a great idea - no pressure, but why don't you come down and hang with us for a few days? You could come onto set and watch us filming and meet the guys. They'd really like to meet you. And we could maybe spend some time together

Holy shit. Going on set and meeting The Avengers? Spending that much time with Chris? I'm not ready for that.

Chris 🤪
Becs? Sound like a good idea?

Wow. That's a really kind offer, thank you. I'm sure that it would be amazing. don't think I'm quite ready for that yet...maybe when I know you better

Chris 🤪
Oh. Okay. Well, maybe later then

Yeah. Sorry

Chris 🤪
No, don't apologise. I don't want to push you into doing something that you're not ready for. It just means that I get to spend more time chatting with you to get to know you better.


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