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After washing the prince's clothes, Clara made her way to the field, where she knew Edwin would be, training some new recruits.

Her heart leaped in joy at the thought of herself finally being a knight, and she was grateful that the king had trusted her with protecting the person he loves most; his son. She only wished he wasn't as annoying and rude.

Lifting her skirt, she picked up her pace when she saw Edwin walking back and forth, yelling commands at the recruits, studying their every move to see where they lack practice. Clara noticed a few who were quite sloppy with their grip, and she could already hear the earful Edwin would soon give them.

"Edwin, need any help?" The brunette asked, her hair getting frizzier with the breeze.

"Ah, Clara." Edwin smiled, opening his arms for the girl, wrapping a protective arm around her shoulders. "I wish you could help me train them, but it's better if only the knights knew of your skills."

"I understand." she smiled brightly at him before turning her gaze to focus on two recruits who would hurt themselves soon if they didn't fix their stance. "You should work more with those two."

With a disappointed sigh and a shake of his head, Edwin called for them to stop, as he began to lecture them on what they did wrong.

Clara's mind drifted away to her own days of beginner training, remembering how patient Edwin had been with her, teaching her every move with care. She mentally winced at all the scratches and cuts she used to get when she started out, and despite her getting wounded even now, it was hardly anything close to how it used to be, as she had gotten so much better with a sword. It's quite rare for Clara to hurt herself on the battlefield anymore.

Absentmindedly, Clara's hand went to her right shoulder, rubbing the tender skin underneath the soft fabric of her dress lightly. Suddenly, she's pulled from her darkening thoughts when she heard her name being called.

"Julian!" she exclaimed, a grin finding its way onto her face. She ran up to the man in armor, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wraps an arm around her waist, lifting her up and spinning as they both laughed wholeheartedly.

"I heard the news," he smiled down at her once he put her back on the ground, their arms still around each other. "Congratulations, my lady."

Clara laughed when he pulled away and bowed down, pushing his shoulder lightly as she rolled her eyes mockingly.

"I'm no lady, hardly a dame."

"The king addressed you as the Lady Clara, and who are we to defy the king?" her jaw dropped at the fact.

"I'm a lady?"

"Clearly," he chuckled. "I see you're finally wearing a dress."

Instantly, Clara's mood dampened, a pout making its way to her lips. She huffed, playing with her skirt.

"I guess you haven't heard that I'm the prince's maidservant now."

"Really?" he laughed, having had met the man before, and he knew Clara would not be silent in the presence of someone annoying.

"Don't even get me started..." she inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself before she ranted. "Moving on, where were you this morning?"

"Edwin asked me to pick this up for you." he smiled, unbuckling a sword hidden in its sheath, placing it in Clara's hands. "Go on, look at it."

With a sparkle in her eyes and a shy smile on her pink lips, she unsheathed the sword, gasping at its beauty.

The sword had a golden handle, small and perfect for Clara's small hands. The blade glistened in the sunlight, accidentally blinding a recruit a few steps away, making his opponent get the upper hand. She was so tempted to swing it around and try how it felt, but knew better than to show off in front of strangers.

She then noticed a phrase carved on the blade, and smiled fondly, running her fingers over it.

"Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem." she whispered loud enough for the two to hear.

Julian stared at her, lost in a trance, mesmerized by how her lips moved, and how words rolled off her tongue. Despite Clara not being what society had considered a lady to be, Julian saw nothing but the most wonderful lady as she admired the sword in her hands.

"What does it mean?" he whispered, taking a small step closer to her.

"With the sword, she seeks peace under liberty." she smiled, finally looking up, her gaze locking with Julian's.

"If there's anyone who fits that phrase, it'd be Clara." Edwin exclaimed, walking up to the two and clapping both on their backs.

Julian cleared his throat and stepped back, his face matching Clara's flushed face. Edwin looked between the two with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"So, do you like it?" he asked his ward.

"I love it." she said sincerely, reaching up to hug the man she saw as a father. "It's absolutely perfect. Thank you."

"You're welcome." he smiled proudly. "I'm so proud of the woman you've become."

Feeling overwhelmed with emotion, she hugged him again, burying her face into his chest, feeling the rumble of his laugh.

"Thank you for picking it up, Julian."

"It was no trouble, sir." he smiled respectfully at his commander, and friend. With a final nod, and a discreet smile towards the maiden, Julian left to attend to his duties.

Clara watched him leave for a moment before her gaze turned back to her new sword, her smile widening once again.

"You know," Edwin spoke up, his tone light and mischievous. "I think he's fond of you."

"Oh shut up." she laughed, slapping his arm lightly. "We're only friends."

"Is that what you call it nowadays?" he teased.

"I have a sword in my hand." She stated with a raised eyebrow. Edwin put his hands up in surrender as he walked back slowly, before sprinting away, Clara running after him as they both laughed.

The recruits watched in astonishment, seeing the general so carefree and filled with joy, since usually he's tense and focused. It seemed to them that the maiden was a light in his life, making him younger in spirit.

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