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It made no sense.

Why had the bandits attacked Shuroo? She knew it was all a diversion to get as many knights away from the castle, but why did they attack Shuroo and not a farther town?

Clara was sat with her head between her hands as she studied the maps of her beloved home, trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

The bandits took nothing, only burning what their eyes grazed over and fighting those who tried to keep them away.

None of it made sense to her. 

Groaning, she leaned back on the chair, rubbing her temples to chase away her growing headache. Alan poked his head out from behind one of the large bookshelves, sniggering at her pout.

"You look like a hedgehog when you pout like that." He laughed, walking over to her with a few more books in hand.

"Did Hazel tell you that?" An amused grin began to form at her lips.

"No?" He furrowed his eyebrows, laughing. "Don't tell me, she called you a hedgehog before?"

"I swear you two are the perfect match." She giggled, shaking her head, confirming that her best friend had indeed compared her to an angry little hedgehog before. "I can't believe I hadn't introduced you sooner."

"I will forever be holding a grudge on you for that."

"Oh shut up." She laughed, throwing her glove at him, aiming for his face.

Their laughter died down and they sat in silence, going through various books about different subjects. Alan trailed his eyes over her face, noticing the dark circles under her tired eyes. Her lips were chapped and dry.

"You haven't been sleeping well, have you?" He asked quietly.

Clara's head shot up at the question, opening her mouth to lie and reassure him but he sent her a look which made her sigh and look down again.

"The nightmares don't get easier." She admit. "I see the same thing over and over...I can't escape it."

"I know what you mean." He offered her a smile. "These nightmares will haunt us forever, but you'll learn to accept that they're nothing but a figment of your imagination."

"I completely forgot you had them too." She smiled sadly. "Are you better now?"

"They got worse again after the war...but yes, I'm alright." He shrugged. "I still have a lot to live for, I can't let them get to me."

Clara smiled softly, taking in his words. He was right; they both had so much to live for, mere nightmares can't stop them from living their life.

"Also, drink Chamomile tea before bed, it does wonders." He pointed his quill at her with a smile.

"I'll take your word for it." She smiled back.

" She smiled back

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