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The victorious knights of Avelyn were back at their base tending to their wounded and packing to go back to their home that they fought so fiercely for.

They had lost many men in the war and they all felt the weight of it. They lost the person that led them towards victory every time they fought alongside him. They lost the man that trained them to be the warriors they are now. Friends, brothers, sons and fathers were lost.

Clara lost the man that raised her; again.

She sat on the ground next to his limp pale body, holding his hand in hers as silent tears streamed down her bloodied cheeks. Her hands trembled, with pain or grief, she did not know. She placed his hand on her head, her shoulders shaking as her sobs got stronger.

His hand was so cold; a painful reminder that he was no longer there.

The pain of her wounds were nothing in comparison to her broken heart. It was filled with too many holes and she was so tired of it.

Why me?

Her thoughts swirled with variations of the same question; why her?

Her throat closed up and her lungs burned with a fire so ferocious that she doubled down in pain, her lungs begging for some air. One hand clutched Edwin's and the other clutched the fabric around her chest as she tried to breathe again. Her face had turned purple by the time Julian walked over to her, now wrapped in bandages and less blood all over him. He rushed to Clara's side, sitting down next to her and pulling her into his chest, rubbing her back and urging her to breathe.

"Breathe for me, darling..." he whispered in her ear before pulling away and looking at her shut eyes. His heart broke seeing her like this. "Come on, we'll do it together."

Her sobs intensified. Her hand never left his, no matter how cold and painful it was.

"I...can't" she wheezed.

Julian lightly slapped her cheeks to gain her focus, wanting her to take a breath before she fainted. Clara grew weak and her body's only support was Julian's arms. Her hold on Edwin's hand faltered, but she collected all her power in order to keep his hand in hers.

Clara's head fell onto Julian's shoulder and he let out a sigh of relief when he heard her small intake of breath. Slowly, her breathing returned to normal, and her tears soon dried. Julian held her close to him, his own face stained with dried tears.

It was so unfair.

"I'm going to kill him."

Her voice was shaky and hoarse, but you couldn't mistake the determination behind it. It was a vow she planned to follow through.

She will kill the man that killed her home.

The kingdom was bursting with music in celebration as the army made their way into the castle town; Wisteria

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The kingdom was bursting with music in celebration as the army made their way into the castle town; Wisteria.

Children were running around giggling to themselves as they played together. Families awaited their loved ones to return to their arms; the glint of fear in their eyes grew the longer it took for them to see their arrival.

The Warrior of AvelynWhere stories live. Discover now