A Red Lollipop

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The next day

The girls stayed with you all night

Suddenly someone knocks on the door

Nat got out of the bed but Wanda don't want to wake up

You shake her lightly but she doesn't react

Y/n- Wanda, wake up !

W- Mmh, let me sleep ! I'm comfortable

She groans, her head on your chest

You run your hand through her hair with a sigh and the doctor walks into the room.

Doc- Hello, I'm Dr. Grey I-

N- When will she be able to go out ?

Y/n- Nat calm down, let the doctor speak

Doc- Okay well... maybe tomorrow because there's a wound, some kind of weird bite that I would like to watch very closely

W- A bite ? Last I heard, Vision is a red lollipop, not an spider or I don't know !

Wanda mumbles

N- Wait, no, I am the spider !

You laugh

Doc- Well, it look more like an animal bite...

N- Vision may have brought an animal with him, at that point I'm going to torture him

Doc- I would like to take a look. Can I ?

Y/n- Of course ! Wanda ?

Wanda sighs and pulls back

The doctor comes closer and raises your t-shirt which reveals a large bandage

Y/n- Well... It's kinda weird because I never had pain in this place...

Doc- It's a good sign then

She smiles at you

When she takes off your bandage they all look shocked

Y/n- What ? Is it that bad ?

Doc- I've never seen this in my whole career...

W- There's nothing... No bite ! Is this a mistake ?

N- Okay, I guess she will be able to come home now...

Y/n- Wait Nat, what's happening ?!

You remove the bandage on your brow bone and you touch it

Y/n- What the fuck !

Y/n- There's nothing ! Wanda did you do something with your powers ?!

W- No I didn't !

Y/n- Okay i'm done with all this bullshit, i'm getting out of here, i'm going home !

Doc- If there's nothing I guess you can but be careful anyway ! You will have to sign some important papers and you will be able to get out of here.

Two days later

(It's been two days since that you came home)

You hear noises

You wake up. You look around you 

Y/n- Where the fuck am I ?

You whisper

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