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Pepper tells you everything, you got some of the answers you wanted.

Y/n- What- the- heck ?!

P- I'm sorry I should have told you earlier but it was too painful...

Y/n- Wait a second are you telling me that I had a little sister but that she was kidnapped when she was 5 ?!

P- And you were 14 years old.

You get up in frustration and start walking around the room as Natasha and Wanda are in shock.

P- We spent years and years looking for her but when I saw how much you were in pain I made you forget everything...

Y/n- How ?!

P- Tony had managed to find a way to forget details, we made you forget her birth. Tony and I never wanted to do it for us, in case she ever comes back..

W- Wait- why would she want to kill
Y/n ?!

P- I don't know... she was an angel, a beautiful girl who was wise, a bit stubborn like your father and like you but... I can't believe she is doing that.

W- I knew her at Hydra too... she was kind.

Y/n- I have to... get out, I- I need some air

Your heart is pounding, you feel like it's going to come out of your chest. Your breathing quickens, your head begins to spin. You walk outside. You stand against the wall with your hand on your chest, you try to calm down. You close your eyes, your chest hurts, you feel like you're losing control.

You hear Natasha and Wanda come out, they approaches you.

W- Y/n? Are you okay?

You open your eyes and your eyes are bright yellow.

N- Wow calm down sweetheart it's just a panic attack, that's too much information for you today.

Natasha puts her hands on your face as your condition gets worse, your teeth get sharp.

N- We never made it this far Wanda...

Natasha looks at Wanda praying that she finds something.

W- Remember what Scott said : "When she's about to lose control, you have to find her anchor" !

N- Her what ?!

You try to leave so as not to hurt them but you can't.

Y/n- I can't stay he- here !

N- No calm down, we'll find out!

She strokes your cheek.

W- Her anchor is something that calms her, something or someone that will make her calm down!

N- Oh! I know!

Natasha take your hand and put it softly on Wanda's belly.

N- Here, right there.

She holds your hand on Wanda's belly with her other hand stroking your cheek.

They look at you, praying that it works. You focus and you hear the heartbeats of the baby. Slowly your breathing calms down, your teeth return to normal and when you open your eyes they are back to normal.

You lean your head against the wall, relieved

Y/n- Thank you...

You put the hand that was on Wanda's belly on her cheek and your other hand on Natasha's cheek. Wanda puts her hand on yours.

Y/n StarkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat