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You waited in bed for Nat and Wanda to fall asleep then you went to the living room.

You have your cup of coffee in your hand, you are thinking... you are waiting to come up with an idea, what could I do?

Steve- Hey !

You jump and look at him as he laughs lightly. You got your hand on your heart trying to make it slow down.

Y/n- My god Steve, you scared me !

You said whispering

S- Sorry it's dark and I was wondering why you were awake.

He walks towards you and sits next to you.

Y/n- Whisper please, the girls are sleeping and I don't wanna wake them up, especially Wanda, she is exhausted and needs some sleep.

S- Oh okay, sorry

You take a sip from your drink and silence settles in the room before Steve speaks.

S- Why are you awake ?

Y/n- I'm scared for us and for the baby, I keep thinking about this woman I told you about.

S- The woman who threw you against a wall without touching you ?

Y/n- Hey ! She touched me !

S- Sorry I forgot

He laugh

Y/n- Yes, this woman, I wish I had more news from her to know what she plans to do.

S- That it must be complicated, but know that if you have to go looking for this woman, count on me to watch out for Wanda and Nat.

Y/n- I'm not worried about Nat, she's strong, she's been through horrible things that make her stronger but Wanda, she's getting weaker...

S- What is he making you say that ?

Y/n- She sleeps a lot more and she has trouble controlling her powers. She even sleep when we are out for a walk and stop on a bench.

S- That means ?

Y/n- I mean, once she was in bed she didn't want to get up so she used her powers to pick up the remote and at first she struggled to lift it and then suddenly the remote threw itself against the wall. She hasn't reuse her powers since...

S- Oh yes I understand your concerns.

Y/n- Whatever, I'm going to go back to bed because the longer I stay here, the more Wanda and Nat will no longer feel my presence.

S- Okay, have a good night

Y/n- You too

You come into the room, you open the door before closing it. It's dark, very dark, you can't see the body of Wanda and Natasha. You stand with your back against the door, you watch the girls with your werewolf vision.

After a few minutes you see Nat move, she looks up and observes you, rubbing her eyes.

N- Babe ? What are you doing ?

You walk toward her

Y/n- Shh, don't wake up Wanda.

N- Oh, yeah

She speaks more quietly. You sit next to her and she takes refuge in your arms. You stroke her arm as she closes her eyes.

Y/n- I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.

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