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Sam's POV

Monday Night

I've been at work for a few hours now and I cannot be bothered with it tonight, so many customers that are being assholes and are terrible tippers. I also didn't expect to see Tyler and Zach walking in and sitting at one of my tables to annoy me for the night. I walk over with a forced smile and ask them what they would like, I take their order and walked back to the kitchen. I walked back out of the kitchen and I spot Tyler walking to the bathrooms, I walked over and waited outside for her.

"Boo" I whispered

"Oh hey" She says

"How was your day?" I asked

"Could've been a lot better" She sighed

"Why what happened" I ask

"I'll tell you later ok" She smiled

"Are you upset about it?" I asked

"Kinda but I'll get over it like it's fine" She says

"Do you want a hug?" I asked

"Sam your orders up" Maya the waitress said

"I better let you get back to work" She smiled

"Ty" I say as she started to walk away

"Sam it's getting cold" Maya yelled again

"Maya shut the fuck up give me a minute" I snapped

"Hey it's ok, I'm distracting him I'm sorry, I'm new to town and just wanted directions to the bathroom" Tyler says

"Oh no it's never the costumers fault, I didn't actually see you there I'm sorry and I saw you earlier so it's probably your food that he's holding up" She said then laughed

"Well we can't have that can we, off you pop waiter" Tyler said while laughing

"You are going to get me fired" I whispered

"I'll suck up to her and get your job back" She giggled

"I better go get your food" I smiled

"Great because the service around here is lacking" She joked

Tyler's POV

I walked back to Zach "I think I accidentally got him in trouble"

"Oh no who was telling him off" He asked

"Maya?" I say

"Oh god she is one of his psychotic exes, she literally got a job here just so she could be around him" He says

"Oh what the fuck, that's crazy, why would he still want to work here" I ask

"The owners are his parents best friends so he doesn't want to stir up things with them" He says

"Oh that's annoying, would his parents not understand that she's crazy and following him around" I ask

"Nope, you will learn this very quickly but parent friendships mean more then the feelings of the kids" He says

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