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Tyler's POV

Sunday Morning

The beach picnic was so much fun, Nate's girlfriend brought her speaker so we had music playing, the fire going, we were all huddled to gather with our blankets watching the sunset. Jake had brought some alcohol in flasks so he was filling up everyones cups as the night went on. I don't think I have laughed so much in such a long time, the most fun I have had since moving here, If I'm being completely honest I don't remember how we got home all I know is I'm at Zach's and Sam is sleeping beside me. I sneakily get up trying not to wake Sam and I head downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to drink, Zach's in the kitchen eating cereal.

"Hey" He says

"Good morning" I smiled

"How much fun did you have last night?" He asked

"The most fun I've had since I moved here" I reply

"Aw that's so good" He smiles "And you slept well?"

"I did" I say

"Good" He says "Did you want to talk about it?"

"I don't think so, it was a weight off my shoulders yesterday when I told you so I think I'm done talking about it for a while" I say

"Sounds good but you can talk to me anytime" He says

"Thanks" I smile "I might start to walk home and get shit sorted with Taylor and Dan"

"Probably a good idea, we can give you a lift though" He says

"I think I should walk to clear my head first" I say

"Ok, text me when you get home" He says

"I will, I'll go say goodbye to Sam first" I say

"Ok I'll see you later" He says "Let me know how it goes"

"I will, see you later" I say before heading back upstairs

I give Sam a gentle nudge "Hey" I whispered

"Mhm whats going on are you ok?" He asks

"Yeah I'm good, I'm just heading home, I wanted to say goodbye" I say

"Ill drive you" He says as he starts to get up

"No no, its ok, I'm going to walk to clear my head first then I'll catch up with you guys later ok" I say

"Ok, text me" He says and kisses me

"Ill see you later" I said and kissed him back

I walked out and down the road, I'm taking my time because obviously I'm in absolutely no rush for this conversation. I texted Dan and said that I was walking home and would be there within the next 30 minutes to chat. I think it will be very interesting to find out what went on 16 years ago for them both to be my parents. I texted the boys to say I was home before I walked in. I walked in and they were already waiting in the dining room for me, they had folders and papers sitting there, god what have I gotten myself into.

"Hello" I sigh

"Morning, how was your night?" Daniel asked

"So fun, we had a beach picnic bbq and it was so chill and the most fun I've had in such a long time" I reply

"Oh thats good Ty" He says "Have you had breakfast?"

"Nope" I reply

"Want me to whip you up a smoothie or some eggs?" He asks

"No I think we need to get this over and done with" I say

"Fair enough" He says

"Where do we start" I ask

"The very beginning" Taylor says

"Ok" I say

Then the story starts.

Taylor was born and raised in New Zealand went on a 2 year exchange to America where she went to the same school that I'm in now and thats where she met Daniel.
She was 16 and been going out with Daniel a year before she fell pregnant with me, his parents were super supportive of them and Taylors were embarrassed and believed that they should take me in so they could have a normal life.
A lot of arguing between their parents but because Taylors parents at the time had a lot more money Taylor believed that I would've had an easier and better life if I were to be brought up as theirs.
Daniels parents missed out on my childhood completely, I lived in America with Taylor and Dan until I could eat solid food then I was shipped off to New Zealand.
Taylor and Daniel had formed a love for me in that time and we're devastated that her parents forced them to adopt me out to them, Taylor and Daniel were sent photos on every birthday up until I was about 13 then it stopped.
Taylor stayed on living in America because she couldn't bare the thought of living there with me knowing that I'm hers and I may never know that. Daniel was absolutely devastated and thats why he's always been there for me whenever I need him, he's always tried to be my Dad in the most discreet way and honestly I have treated him more like a Dad then what my Dad was.

After they've just told me their story I'm speechless, I have my head in between my knees and the whole thing is just devastating. The fact that they wanted me so bad but had already signed the papers long before I was born and it was all just one big cluster fuck. The thought of having a life being brought up in America is just crazy to me, I have missed out on such a different and potentially better life I'm gutted and I feel like I can't tell them some of the things that have gone on in New Zealand because It would break them. Its too much to think about right now and I'm just stuck and I'm angry.

"Can you say something or do you want to take a minute" Taylor asked

"You guys should have never given me up" I said before walking out

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