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Tyler's POV

After the beach I went home to have the big talk with Daniel and Taylor, we went though everything that I felt comfortable talking about and then the whole adoption crap which I think is bullshit.
I can't help but just get so angry when they bring it up, I could've had such an easier less complicated life and it's so annoying how its turned out.
I still haven't told them about my rape but I feel like I may never tell them because I think it will break them and then they'll be dumb and want me to like report it which is stupid because I don't know who is was and I only knew what he looked like.
We also agreed that I will probably never call them Mum and Dad because thats so weird and they understood which was good. We had a family dinner and they were telling me all these stories about like when I was born and I was so overdue and and I took my sweet time coming out so i've really been a pain my whole life and I am always late.
We ended on a good note which is a big relief off my shoulders and I did tell Taylor if she embarrasses myself in front of my friends ever again I will literally never talk to her again, I also told her that she should be the bigger person and apologise to Callie which she agreed to. We also decided not to announce It to the school that she's my Mum and that it'll get around by word of mouth.

Monday Morning

Taylor has to go to work early so I decided that I would walk since it's a nice day I would walk to school, Daniel had made me a smoothie and I grabbed a couple pieces of fruit and started my walk. I grabbed my school bag and put my headphones in and made my way to school. I stopped at the corner store on the way to grab something for my lunch, Im not a huge fan of the variety at school, I normally grab some fruit and a juice because the food just tastes funny. I make it to school and I underestimated how long it would take so I'm accidentally an hour early lol whoops.

I walked to the quad and theres surprisingly a few people hanging around a couple even playing basketball and shooting hoops in the middle. I sat at a picnic table and messaged everyone else saying I came way too early and company would be fantastic. I kept my headphones in and pulled out my book and started to work through my chemistry homework that I accidentally forgot about. It wasn't long before Tate and Tom joined me and we started to talk about Spencers party that he has having this weekend, I'm already not wanting to go because every other party has been so bad for me but the others are trying to convince me to go.

Tate wants to take me shopping after school so we can find some outfits to wear for the party which I agreed to because I want to hang out with her, just us girls so I think it'll be fun. She's like I need to introduce you to the American style because apparently my jeans and hoodies are cutting it.

The day at school went by pretty fast and was fairly relaxed, even though i've been involved in a lot of drama my grades haven't dropped a single bit which is really good. Taylor told me all the teachers have been talking about me and how they've heard I'm fighting with other students and haven't settled in well but my grades are impeccable and they don't know how I do it. It's pretty funny actually.

Tate invited Tom to come along with us to shop, we've been into like 20 shops and I have hated pretty much every piece of clothing Tate thought would look cool on me. Im such a plain person and flair pants feel funny because I've only ever worn tight skinny jeans or comfy trackies. Seriously all i've seen is girls in crop tops, shorts, jeans, ripped jeans and then like docs like to me it doesn't seem as different to me. In the end I walked away with a couple shopping bags but certainly not as much as Tate, I got a few body suits, crop tops and some ripped jeans and I even brought a couple playsuits/romper and they were all brought based off look because I hate to try clothes on in the store.

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