𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4

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The girl with the side ponytail took me to a room where I met another girl with a butterfly clip and purple gradient hair.

"Hello my name is Shinobu Kocho and this is my sister Kanao" Shinobu said pointing to Kanao. I blinked not saying anything because I obviously couldn't talk.

Shinobu cocked her head to the side. "Is something wrong?" Shinobu asked. "Oh um she can't speak her vocal cords are damaged" Kanao said.

Shinobu frowned but then smiled like she had an idea. "How about a nice bath! that would help right?" Shinobu said smiling. Kanao flipped her coin then nodded while smiling.

Shinobu and Kanao got the bath ready and then put me in the warm bubbly water. I began to relax as Shinobu and Kanao washed my hair.

"Hm... the ends of your hair are pink.... maybe we should dye them purple to match her eyes" Shinobu said touching the ends of my hair.

"Can I?" Shinobu asked me. I nodded while giving her a small smile. They quickly got their materials and began dying my hair.

It took less time than I expected when I was done they gave me a pair of clothes to wear.

(Credit to: Suki on Twitter) this is what you're wearing!

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(Credit to: Suki on Twitter) this is what you're wearing!

They gave me a side part in the front of my hair then clipped it using a small butterfly clip. Kanao and Shinobu high fived while smiling.

Shinobu gave me a piece of paper and pencil. "Do you think she can write?" Kanao asked Shinobu. "Let's find out" Shinobu said turning to me.

"Can you write down your name?" Shinobu asked. I nodded and wrote down Y/n but that was it just Y/n I couldn't remember my last name.

"Just Y/n?" Kanao said. I wrote down that I couldn't remember my last name. "That's okay how old are you?" Shinobu asked.

"6" I wrote. "JUST SIX!!?" Shinobu yelled eyes wide. "You're writing is very good better than when I started" Kanao said.

I smiled. "Do you remember what happened to you?" Shinobu asked. I thought abut it for a moment and realized I don't remember anything about what happened the only memory I have was waking up here.

The funny thing is I still remember my first name and age though but not my family or what even happened to them.

"That fall must've taken a bad toll on you" Shinobu said frowning. I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"When Shinobu found you your head was bleeding you were near a steep area so you must've fallen" Kanao said.

I looking down and furrowed my eyebrows in sadness. 'I really can't remember a thing' I thought.

"Where will I go?" I wrote. "What do you mean you'll  be living here with us we can't leave a child on the streets" Shinobu said raising her eyebrow.

My eyes widened. "If you can't remember anything from before you can make new memories with us" Kanao said smiling.

I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes then I suddenly broke out sobbing. "Hey don't cry maybe the memories will come back to you" Shinobu said.

I wiped my tears and nodded looking down. I Kanao flipped her coin. "We should show her around we'll have to introduce her soon too" Kanao said.

Shinobu nodded. "Okay Y/n! we're gonna show you around this place it'll be fun!" Shinobu said helping me up.

I nodded while smiling. We left the room and they began showing me the area.

"Y/n this is Aoi she made sure you were kay in the infirmary" Kanao said. Aoi smiled and bent down to my height.

"So you do have a name! I was wondering!" Aoi said. "Thank you for helping me" I wrote. "Of course! you needed help that's what we do in the infirmary" Aoi said.

While we were at the infirmary Aoi gave me a small bag where I could put my notebook and pencils in. The bag

After we left the infirmary we went to the garden outside. It had a bunch of butterflies that were different colors.

Kanao clearly loved the garden I saw she was sitting down and watching the butterflies so I sat down with her.

"Do you see that one it's the same color as your eyes" Kanao said pointing to the purple butterfly.

I watched as the butterfly fluttered over and landed on my head. "Oh stay still or it will fly away" Kanao said.

I stayed still as it fluttered down and landed on my nose. I felt a weird tingle from it like something in me had changed.

I sneezed causing the butterfly to fly away and go back with the others. "Hahaha I've never seen a butterfly stay like that on someone for so long!" Shinobu said.

We stayed in the garden for a while until Shinobu was going to take me somewhere. "Y/n since you were here last night I told the head demon slayer we had found you and he wats to meet you" Shinobu said.

"What's a demon slayer?" I wrote. "Well it is what its called I'm a demon slayer and so are lots of other people here! Kanao is training to become one and she'll be ready to go to final selection in a few years!" Shinobu said.

"Can I be a demon slayer?" I wrote. Shinobu smiled. "Of course you can but we'll have to train you" Shinobu said smiling.

When we got there Shinobu stopped right before we entered the area the head was in. "Okay Y/n when you meet the head you have to kneel down, Like this" Shinobu said demonstrating.

"Can you do it?" Shinobu asked. I nodded and copied her motion. She smiled and clapped her hands.

"That was good! and also remember to never speak while he's speaking and you can only speak if he gives you permission to but of course in your condition it's writing instead of speaking" Shinobu said. I nodded.

"Okay Y/n let's go" Shinobu said walking with me.

ELLO! Thank you for reading this chapter guys! I hope you all have a good night and are happy and hydrated! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

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