𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 7

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I slowly opened my eyes to see leaves on tree branches and felt something cold on my forehead. Then Kyojuro appeared out of no where with a huge smile on his face. (That one scene from mugen train💀)

"You're awake!" He said smiling. I stared up at him in confusion. "Go back to sleep" Tomioka said appearing in my range of vison.

Then I saw Shinobu violently knock him out of my range of vision. "Y/n! I was so worried you're sick and have a fever so you have to stay here in the shade" Shinobu said.

That's when I remembered I we were in the garden. 'What happened?' I thought. 'I was with Tomioka then all of a sudden everything started getting hot then I went to that dream place' I thought.

I sat up and rubbed my head. "Y/n wait you have to rest" Mitsuri said rushing over to me. "Mmm" I hummed.

"Do you want more ice?" Kyojuro asked. "Here you go!" Shinobu said handing me another icepack. "Where'd you pull that out from?" Muchiro asked.

I took out my book. "What happened after I passed out?" I wrote. "Uh I found you passed out then we helped you" Shinobu said.

"But Tomioka di-" Shinobu covered Muchiro's mouth while smiling. "What are you talking about Muchiro? it was me silly!" Shinobu said.

I laid back down in thought of my dream. 'Why did he look so familiar have I seen him some where did I know him before I lost my memories or did I know someone who was like him? And those earrings too' I thought.

I abruptly sat up and shook my head. "Why are you so fidgety just lay down or sit up it's not that hard to choose" Tomioka said.

I laid down then saw a butterfly flying above around the tree branches. 'I wish' I thought staring at the butterfly.

"She looks like she's rethinking her life choices" Muchiro said. 'What life!!?' I thought silently laughing.

"I would be too if I were that small" Obanai said. I narrowed my eyes at him then kicked him in the back.

Quickly realizing my mistake and ran behind Kyojuro. I peeked over his shoulder to see Obanai glaring at me.

I gave him a small smile and looked to the side. 'I just almost lost my life I swear!😧' I thought.

"Shinobu do you have a second notebook I can use?" I wrote. "Yeah Kanao has an extra one you can use why?" Shinobu asked.

"I want to use it for any dreams I have" I wrote. "Dreams?" Mitsuri said. "What kind of dreams?" Tengen asked.

"Dreams where things look familiar just incase I see something that might be a connection to my past" I wrote. Tomioka gave me a side glance.

"Wait! That's a good idea" Shinobu said. "Mhm!" I hummed.

Shinobu's POV

After a while Y/n fell asleep I was glad that she was okay. 'I really got scared for a moment back there she's fine now though' I thought.

"Shinobu the way Y/n got so tired quickly today wasn't normal, it's not even that hot outside today like usually" Kyojuro said.

"What are you trying to say? that she could be a demon or something?" I asked. "No but maybe she was kept inside for long periods of time before she came here with us. She could've been abused too who just leaves a child outside alone like that" Kyojuro said.

"You should be careful with her just incase something like this happens again" Kyojuro said. I looked back at Y/n's sleeping figure under the tree.

"Your right I'll try to be more careful with her next time, Haha she really is more fragile than Kanao when we first took her in" I said smiling.

"But... if she really is sensitive to things like this I'll help her as much as I can. There's always a way to fix certain problems like this!" I said.

*Mini time skip*

"I was thinking that maybe we could teach Y/n sign language it'll be easier for her to communicate quickly" Aoi said. "That's a great idea we should start a soon as possible!" I said smiling.

"Yes ma'am!" Aoi said.

Y/n's POV

"Okay Y/n do you know what sign language is?" Aoi asked me. I shook my head. "Well sign language is when you create gestures and visual signs using your hands so it' kind of like talking with your hands" Aoi said.

'Talking with your hands?' I thought surprised. "Here like this!" Aoi said. Aoi placed her hand flat against her chest and made a circular motion. (That's ASL I used to know sign language when I was younger but then I kind of forgot a lot of it because I didn't need to use it anymore lol)

"That means "Please"" Aoi said smiling. I made an O shape with my mouth and copied her motion.

"Right you did it!" Aoi said. Aoi took out a book and put it in front of her. "This is a book full of other signs it'll help you learn and understand certain signs better!" Aoi said.

"So! are you ready to learn more?" Aoi asked. I nodded vigorously while smiling brightly. "All right then lets get started!" Aoi said smiling.

Shinobu's POV

"Shinobu will you also train her to become a demon slayer?" Kanao asked me. "She fragile but yes of course I will if that's what she wants" I said.

"She's young right now though so I'll wait till she's older then we can begin" I said smiling.

Ello! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading and until next time! SEE YA!

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