𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 58

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"Y/n!" Shinobu said peeking into my room. "Hello" I signed. "I made these cookies for you! enjoy!" Shinobu said putting the plate onto my bed.

"Thank you!" I signed. I started eating the cookies and not even one minute later Mitsuri walks into my room and sits down onto my bed.

"Hi Y/n! I have a gift for you!" Mitsuri said holding a small box out to me. I took my box and slowly opened it to see a bracelet with my name on it.

"Thank you!" I signed. "Here let me put it on for you!" Mitsuri said putting it around my wrist. "It's perfect! well Y/n I have to go I'll see you soon!" Mitsuri said waving to me before she left the room.

'Wow I got cookies and a bracelet' I thought. A few minutes later Obanai came into my room. "Y/n you over came the sun so you don't need those annoyingly loud boots here!" Obanai said handing me a pair of zori with white socks.

I put them on and tried to stomp my feet. 'They're like Nezuko's and they're quiet!' I thought.

"Thank you!" I signed before hugging him. "No she hugged him!!" I heard someone whisper yell. "Hmm?" I hummed.

"I have to go don't do anything stupid" Obanai said looking at the door. "Hi bye" Sanemi said pushing Obanai out of the room.

"Since I'm better than everyone else here's my gift" Sanemi said handing me a a jewelry box. "Thank you!!" I signed.

"Okay but here's the best part! open it!" Sanemi said. I opened it to see a bunch of crystals. "Good vibes! okay don't kill yourself! See ya!" Sanemi said.

Kyojuro cam into my room aa few minutes later. "Hi Y/n I got you this painting! I know you like butterflies a lot so you can hang it up in your room" Kyojuro said.

"I love it! I'll put it near the door so everyone who walks in can see it!" I signed. "I knew you'd like it! well I have to go see you!" Kyojuro said.

'Why is everyone giving me all these? wait who cares! it's free and it's definitely because they love me!' I thought.

A few minutes later Giyu came into my room. Giyu just silently handed me a box. 'Wow um okay' I thought.

I opened the box to see a small black cat. "YOU GOT ME A CAT!?" I signed. "Well because you don't have a pet anymore so I got you one" Giyu said.

"WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GET A CAT!!?" I heard someone yell. I looked at the door to see everyone else peeking in they quickly moved so we didn't see them.

"I'll name him Friday" I signed. "Friday?" Giyu said. I nodded proudly. "Thank you Giyu! you can see him any time you want!" I signed. (Definitely not named after Ironman's suit lady🙄)

"Oh Hi um why is everyone outside the door?" Muchiro asked. "Um yeah I'm leaving bye" Giyu said.

"Oh here you go I forgot why I wanted to give you this but here" Muchiro said hand me snow globe.

It had a garden in it and sparkles. "I don't know I saw it and it looked nice so I decided to get it for you" Muchiro said.

"Thank you! I'll put it over here!" I signed before putting on the table where the fish tank used to be.

"Well I have to go somewhere so I'll see you" Muchiro said. I waved to him as he left the room. Friday crawled out of the box then just stared at me for a second.

I pet Friday's head. 'Pretty cat' I thought. "What is that?" I heard someone say. I looked over to see Yoriichi.

"My cat Friday! Giyu gave him to me!" I signed. "Why'd you name it Friday?" Yoriichi asked. "Because that's a good name" I signed.

"No it's not" Yoriichi said. "Yes it is! be nice so Friday will like you!" I signed. "Yeah whatever" Yoriichi said.

"By the way aren't you old you should like cats" I signed. "You're so annoying" Yoriichi said. Friday just stared at Yoriichi.

"I like him he's not evil like Lilo" Yoriichi said petting Friday's head. "See old people do like cats" I signed.

"I'm taking him from you" Yoriichi said. "M'M!!" I hummed taking Friday away from him. "What? in the dream world he'll be able to talk" Yoriichi said.

"Huh!?" I signed. "It's like that cat in Coraline you know" Yoriichi said. (*Looks at the camera* I'm always watching you- Yoriichi)

"Coraline?" I signed. "It's nothing" Yoriichi said. "Okay" I signed. "Don't kill it" Yoriichi said. "Why would I kill it?" I signed.

"Because you're crazy" Yoriichi said. "And your dead" I signed. "Stop" He said pushing my shoulder.

"Y/n who are you talking to?" Shinobu said waking in the room with everyone else. "Ghost!" I signed.

"Really? and where exactly is he standing?" Obanai asked. I pointed to the right and then they all whipped out crosses from behind their backs.

"THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU DEMON!!" Muchiro yelled point the cross at Yoriichi. "What the-!!?" Yoriichi said.

"GO BACK TO HELL!!" Lilo yelled popping out of nowhere. "NOO!!" I signed before hugging Yoriichi.

"I'm not gonna disappear" Yoriichi said. Yoriichi grabbed the cross out of Shinobu's hand and put it on the bed.

"HUH!?" Shinobu said. "Stop it!! he's not a demon!!" I signed. "That's what he wants you to think!!" Shinobu yelled.

"No!! don't touch him!" I signed. "HOLY WATER!!" Sanemi yelled throwing it on Yoriichi. "Ahh I'm dying😐" Yoriichi said.

"He's not a demon leave me alone you guys are being so mean now!! Giyu is the only nice one!" I signed.

"WHAT!!?" Shinobu yelled. I got Friday and turned around refusing to face them. "Did they leave?" I signed.

"Yeah but they're peeking inside" Yoriichi said. I went to the door and slammed it shut. "YOU DON'T PAY BILLS STOP SLAMMIN MY DOORS!!" Shinobu yelled.

I sat down on my bed and frowned. "Brownies make everything better" Yoriichi said holding it out to me.

I smiled and took it then started eating it. "You know I hope Friday is a demon too!" I signed. "No he's not" Yoriichi said.

I pet Friday's head. "Yeah he's nice" I signed. "You can play with him any time that you want!" I signed.

"It's because I'm perfect I know" Yoriichi said petting Friday. "Yeah!" I signed. "Not like that copy of me! Tanito Kompado" Yoriichi said.

I punched him. "It's Tanjiro Kamado!! get it right the first time!!" I signed. "Tendo Komoda" Yoriichi said.

"NO!! at least his last name since we have the same one!" I signed. "Kamado...." Yoriichi said. "Mhm" I hummed.

"Toronto" Yoriichi said. "Oh my gosh NO!!" I signed. "Yes" Yoriichi said. "Fine I don't even care anymore! Tanjiro is my brother at least be nice to him!" I signed.

"Okay I'll be nice to Tina" Yoriichi said. "That's a girl name!!" I signed. "Close enough!" Yoriichi said.

"Old people have the worst memory!" I signed. "Wha- little kids are the worst" Yoriichi said. "NO!" I signed.

"No you're a baby that's what you are" Yoriichi said. "NO I'M NOT!" I signed. "Yeah you are!! Peek a boo!!🙈🙉" Yoriichi said.

I shook my head. "Peek a boo!🙈🙉" Yoriichi said. My eyes turned slitted and I hiss at him. "I will burn you!" I signed.

He pushed me almost making me fall off the bed. "Friday attack him" I signed. "It doesn't understand sign language" Yoriichi said.

Friday scratched his hand. "That was a warning!" I signed. "Ow" Yoriichi said rubbing his hand. "Any time you think you're safe I'm only one step away" I signed.

Hello! I'm back! I had fun at camp and I'm happy to be home! Thank you for reading today's chapter! UNTIL NEXT TIME! SEE YA!😈

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now