𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 42

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I sat up and looked around. I looked at the bridge closely to see Yoriichi sitting on the bridge. I slowly walked over and climbed up on the edge of the bridge and sat down next to him

"Hey" He said looking down at the water. I stayed silent and stared down at the water. "I'm sorry" I signed.

"Why are you apologizing" Yoriichi asked. "I didn't even say thank you to you and I didn't come back for days I'm a bad friend" I signed.

"No you're not if you were you wouldn't've come back" Yoriichi said. Tears stung my eyes as I hugged him.

"Did you think I would be mad?" Yoriichi said. I looked up at him and frowned.  "Don't cry" Yoriichi said wiping my tears away.

I nodded. "But Y/n guess what" Yoriichi said. "What?" I signed. "It's time for you to swim" Yoriichi said.

"Hmm?" I hummed. he pushed me into the water and I looked up at him with a glare as he started laughing at me.

I jumped up and pulled him in with me. "Your rude" Yoriichi said. "You pushed me in first" I signed.

"I'm the adult he so it's okay if I do it" Yoriichi said. "Hmph" I hummed splashing water in his face.

Yoriichi splashed water in my face. "Ow my eyes!" I signed. "That's what you get" Yoriichi said. "Meanie" I signed.

I reached up and touched Yoriichi's hair. 'Soft' I thought. "That feels weird" Yoriichi said taking my hands off his head.

"Lets get out it kind of cold" Yoriichi said. "Mmm" I hummed holding my arms out to him. "Fine" He said picking me up.

He stopped at the stands and put me down. I shook my head drying my hair. "Y/n do you know what a towel is? This is a towel use it" Yoriichi said holding it out to me.

I took it and wrapped it around myself like a blanket. "You look like an infant even more now" Yoriichi said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Grandpa" I signed. "I hope you someone chokes you" Yoriichi said. I punched him.

"Ow" Yoriichi said. "How come you didn't dodge that!? aren't you a demon slayer! FIGHT ME!" I signed.

"I'm not gonna hit a child" Yoriichi said. "Fine... I'm hungry can I have a donut" I signed. Yoriichi go out a donut from nowhere.

I grabbed it and quickly ate it. "I haven't eaten or slept since that night" I signed. "Don't do that that's bad for you" Yoriichi said.

"Anything for grandpa" I signed. He pushed my shoulder and I pushed his back. "That was rude" Yoriichi said.

"No it wasn't" I signed. "Yes it was" Yoriichi said. "M'M!!" I hummed. "You're a brat" Yoriichi said. "Old hag" I signed.

"Time out now" Yoriichi said. "M'M!!" I hummed. "I'm gonna count to 3 and if you're not over there you'll see what happens" Yoriichi said.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "1......" He said glaring at me. I stayed still and didn't move. "2........" Yoriichi said.

"2 and a quarter........" Yoriichi said. I scooted an inch away. "3" He said. "You can't hurt me!" I signed.

"Lets see about that" He said standing up. I quickly got up and ran over to one of the stands and grabbed a box of matches.

'Wait I don't need this!' I thought setting it in purple fire. I ran over to the stand of books and put my hand on it.

"Take your hand off that" Yoriichi said. I shook my head. "If you set that on fire I will cut all your hair off and burn every donut you see" Yoriichi said.

I quickly let go of the stand and moved away from. Yoriichi grabbed me and dragged me to one of the stands and forced me to sit down.

I wrapped my arms and legs around Yoriichi's leg. "If you were my child you wouldn't be breathing right now" Yoriichi said.

I looked up at him with sad eyes and he smiled and crouched down to my height. "sit down over there now before I drag you to hell" Yoriichi said.

"I hate you!" I signed. "Thats nice! shut up and think about what you did!" Yoriichi said getting a book and reading.

He ignored me and continued reading. I stayed silent for a while. "You're off time out now" Yoriichi said.


I was trying to read but I kept hearing Y/n laughing in front of me. "Stop laughing" I said. "Mmm" She hummed.

I kept reading but then Y/n put her head on my book and stared up at me with a cheeky smile. I lifted the book from under her head and put it on her face then kept reading.

Y/n sighed then moved away. "Finally" I mumbled. After a while it was really quiet so looked up to see she was gone.

'Well I know she didn't leave the dream because I can tell but where is she in here then!?' I thought.

I looked over at the bridge to see she was crossing it. 'She's gonna get lost' I thought shaking my head.

After a while I heard rapid footsteps come towards me. I looked up to see Y/n with a bucket. "Yes?" I said.

She sat down in front of me and put the bucket down so I could look. I rose my eyebrow when I just saw a fish.

"It's a fish" I said. The fish was staring up at me and it was kinda creepy. 'Can I take him back home!" I signed.

"You cant but I can when I come to the real world" I said. "Look at this thing he can do!" Y/n said sticking her finger in the water.

"Him?" I said. "Yes he's beautiful" Y/n signed. I looked down at the fish and it was glaring at me like I'm not even joking.

"Your fish looks like a rude little kid" I said. "No look he's nice" Y/n signed before softly petting the fishes head with her finger.

I put my finger in the water and the fish immediately went to bite my finger. "How come he loves you but wants to bite me!?" I said.

"No he loves you see" Y/n signed. pointing at the fish. "The fish is smiling at you" I said. "No I'm pretty sure he's looking at you" Y/n signed.

"Put it back I don't want to stay with it" I said. "NO! I love him!" Y/n signed. "It's a fish!" I said. "I don't care" Y/n signed.

I looked down at the fish that was glaring at me. 'I'm so done I'm gonna kill this fish' I thought. I moved my foot and "accidentally" knocked the bucket over.

"MMM!!" Y/n hummed picking the fish up and putting it in the bucket. "Oh no😐" I said. Y/n ran over to the bridge and dropped the fish into the water.

"Yes it's finally gone!" I thought. Y/n ran over to where the water was and stayed there for a second then ran back over to me.

"I got him back!" Y/n signed. My smile faded. "He's pretty" Y/n signed before putting her finger in the water.

'Creepy fish' I thought narrowing my eyes at the fish.

Ello! Thank you for reading today's chapter! Until next time! SEE YA!😈

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now