chapter 7

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On reaching the airport, i was directed to the private jet. A kind looking air-hostess welcomed me. 

I noticed the gun hidden under her waist coat, clearly not hidden that well, and instantly put my guard up. 

There were many possibilities. 

She was here for two things, either to kill me or protect me and, Leander either knew of this, or she had snuck it in. 

Leander sending her to kill me was not that probable, however i kept it as an option. Him sending her to protect me meant that he knew of possible danger that could be sent my way, which meant he was involved with dangerous stuff. Him not knowing about this also meant the same thing, he had dangerous enemies. 

This was going to be interesting. 


She asked if i wanted anything, which i declined since i was unaware of her motives. The plane took off. 

I kept a close eye on her, though making sure to not be noticeable. If she had snuck in, she was clever, and i had to play it smart. 

She made no suspicious movements, though tried to get me to talk to her. I answered them in short statements, making it clear that i was not in the mood of chit chat. I decided to go to sleep, well pretend to, and observe her. It would be a great opportunity for her to hurt me, if she wanted to. 

She did nothing. I stayed awake for about two hours, before sleep actually caught up with me. I tried to fight it, but finally lost the battle against tiredness. 

I was woken up by the air hostess shaking me, telling me we were about to land. I was without a single scratch, meaning that either she was here to protect or she was planning something else.

Something told me Leander and my new brothers were involved. 

Upon landing, i searched for any sign of Alfonio. I saw a black car with a man leaning against it. My instincts told me it was him, but i waited for him to spot me, incase i was wrong. 

I was not wrong. 

He waved, and i went to where he was standing. The first thing that i noticed were his eyes. 

They were different from my hazel one, but there was still something familiar about those blue eyes. He seemed pretty happy and exited to see me, and immediately went to hug me. 

I stepped back, since i am not comfortable with people hugging me, blood or not, though there are a few exceptions. 

He looked a bit sad, but masked it. 

"Taylor" i say while offering him my hand to shake. 'Don't assume that they are bad guys from the start.' Ethan's voice resonated in my mind, and i gave Alfonio a half, awkward smile. 

He looked happy at that, well he SHOULD be, since i usually glare at any moving object i am not familiar with, including humans. 

"Alfonio" he shakes my hand."Come on, get in." He motioned to the car behind him. He got in the backseat. Of course they had a driver. I got in after him, and we drove off. 

"So tell me about yourself" Alfonio started with the small talk. Ugh, how much i hate it. 

"Nothing much to tell." i reply. 

"Well, its a long journey, so wouldn't it be better if we got to know each other to pass the time?" he asked. No it wouldn't, but i guess it would be nice to gather some information about the people i was to live with. 

"What do you wanna know?" i sighed. He grinned.


By the end of the one and a half hour discussion, i had found out quite some stuff. 

Leander, the eldest is 25, followed by Alfonio who is 23. 

Then came Estian, 19, and Alexandre and Anthony, 17. 

Alfonio loved to cook, and was a medical practitioner. 

Leander was the owner of several businesses, Estian was in college, while Alexandre and Anthony were in school. 

His favourite colour was navy blue, don't know what i am supposed to do with that piece of information. 

He also told me a little about the personalities of the rest of the boys, though i paid little attention since i would be the judge of that. 

From what i observed, Alfonio was an easy going person, warm, and positive. The way he talked about his brothers, one could tell he loved them to death, and he had huge respect for his elder brother. He talked very animatedly, especially about his family. 

I learnt that i had three cousin brothers, and a cousin sister who he and the rest of the boys loved like their own sister. I noticed how he avoided talking about his parents, well our parents, and so didn't ask anything about father. 

He asked about my life back home, and i gave a very vague, unsuspicious, and well woven lie. He seemed to have bought it, and asked about my hobbies and all that. 

I knew that he was trying to  figure me out, to find what kind of person i was, and so, just to have some fun, i confused him further by being very indistinct. It is safe to say that i started to like him a bit, just a bit, though something told me it would not be long before he broke all my walls of indifference. 

"And we have arrived home." He said with a  grin.


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