chapter 42

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"Hi" He chuckled back, a boyish grin on his face. My face went red with embarrassment, which he noticed. 

"You're soooo cute." He coed, pulling my cheeks, and sitting down on the bed beside me. Ugh, this boy is going to be the death of me. I scooted a little to give him more space, and also to hid my flaming cheeks, but considering the fact that the heart rate monitor was still beeping very fast, i can say that he knew.

"Okay, now are you going to tell me what happened?" His voice turned serious again, face stoic. Oh here goes nothing.

"That fucking bastard, i will fucking castrate him, that fucking-" And i stopped hearing after that. He had been cursing like a sailor for the past three minutes, and i had only reached the point where Ramirez stabbed me. He was holding my hand, well more like i grabbed his hand when he tried to storm out to chop off Ramirez's hands. That, and i got an opportunity to touch him. God, why do i sound like a high school girl with a crush?

Anyway, after he had calmed, i narrated the rest of the story, with as minimum detail as possible. For two reasons. One, i didn't want him getting mad at others again. And two, i really wanted to know his story. 

"And yeah, i  poured some salt and all that. Enough about me, what the fuck are you doing here?" I rushed, eagerly.

"Someone's curious." He chuckled. "Will you just tell me?" I whined.

"Well, are you alright? Is your shoulder hurting?" He smirked. I pouted, and turned away. Why does he always do this?

He laughed, and turned me around, pulling me closer so that my head rested on his chest. I snuggled closer, and smiled.

"I didn't know how, but i knew something was wrong. You know about it, my chest feels heavy with worry. I am starting to believe that you are right about us being connected." He chuckled softly. Yeah, this had happened a lot. Whenever i was in trouble, he somehow knew. Even if it was just a small cut, one look at me, and he would know i was hurt. It is weird, i know. (AN; No, this book is not about supernatural shit)

"I was pestering mom non stop about it, to call Leander, since you were not picking up your phone, which was the first red flag by the way. Then Leander himself called. Said you were unconscious in the hospital. He didn't say anything else." His voice cracked in the end, and he hugged me tighter, my face pressed to his chest, while his arms were wrapped around my waist. 

"You don't know how fucking anxious i was. I- i did not know what to do. This is not the first time you were hurt, but for the first time, you-you." His voice broke, and he buried his face in my neck. After inhaling a few deep breathes, he continued. 

"For the first time, you were away from me. Far away. I could not come to you, i could not be there. I was panicking." He squeezed me tighter.

"What if something happened to you, and i could not reach? What if I had been too late, huh Taylor?" his voice came out hurried, his arms tightened, just at the thought of it. My heart beat like a bullet train. 

"Nothing happened to me, okay. I am here, perfectly fine. I am alright, you were not late." I consoled him, raising my hand to run it through his hair. 

"You are right. You are here, in my arms, you are fine now." He breathed out. 

"And then?" I asked, moving away a bit, laying beside him so that i was not on top of him. Ethan frowned. I must have been heavy.

"And then" He sighed, resting his head on top of mine. "Dad told me to take my stuff, catch the first flight to you. He and mom would come later. His exact words were, 'Stop freaking moping around, and go to her you thick skulled, idiotic son of mine.'" He laughed breezily at the end.

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