chapter 49 part 1

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AN; Long ass chapter, took me three days to complete, i am fucking drained after this.

The sun rays that lit up the room, gently caressing me with their warmth, the melody of the birds chirping, the soft breeze that lightly fluttered the leaves and the sweet aroma of honey and butter that filled in as i woke up from my deep slumber, told me that today was going to be a long, tiring day.

And so, that morning began with a red stain on the white bed sheet, mocking me like a F-grade on a maths test. Not today, not today, not today. Why the fuck did mother nature have to hit me today?

One thing i should mention is that on my period i am very emotional and sensitive. Basically, the complete opposite. And today, even Eth won't be there to comfort me since he was helping his parents in moving in.

'Oh no, Eth won't be there" And with that, tears welled up in my eyes. As i said, sensitive and emotional.

It is going to be a long fucking day.

After cleaning up and all, i went downstairs to see Alexandre, Leander and Andi already eating. 

"Good morning" i muttered, taking my seat in front of Leander, and heard the two 'good mornings' back, the third being a grunt of acknowledgement. 

I went back to eating my bowl of cereal, but because of the deep silence, a feeling of loneliness soon crept in. I looked up at Leander, contemplating my options and not realising that i had been staring at him for the past two minutes.

"What happened, why are you staring at me?" Leander asked, putting down his spoon. 

I just shook my head, before taking a deep breathe.

"Leander?" I called him.

"Yeah?" He continued shoving the breakfast in his mouth.

"Can i get a hug?" I asked in rushed tone, and when i say that the milk came out of his nose, i mean milk came out of his nose. Andi was looking at me with a smile, while Alexandre's eyebrows were raised to his hairline. After two minutes of coughing, he croaked out.

"You" he pointed at me, "Want a hug" He said the word with a scrunched up face, "From me?" He pointed himself. I could only manage to nod meekly. I hate my periods.

"Ye-yeah sure." He stammered, and i quickly crossed the table over to him to avoid the awkwardness. I was soon enveloped in his arms, my face leaning against his muscular chest, and him resting his chin on my head. That's better

"You okay?" He whispered, and i whispered a yes back.

"Good" he muttered, tightening his arms. Our 'moment' if you can call it, was ruined by a yell, followed by a series of sounds. Detaching from Leander, i turned around to see a very comical scene. To say the least.

Anthony seemed to be the one who had shouted, seeing his jaw hanging down as he stared at us. Alfonio held up a spatula and was looking around in worry, and i concluded that he thought something was wrong because of Anthony's shout. And Estian, Estian was lying on the floor, pouting. 

But the most intriguing was Alexandre, who had somehow managed to get a bowl upturned on his head with cereal and milk dripping down on his body. I did not posses the ability to even imagine what would have happened. Despite the bowl covering his face, one could physically feel his anger from miles away, and that said a lot.

Wordlessly, he got up removing the bowl and walked away. But from the look on Anthony's face, it is safe to say that Alexandre showed off his infamous glare first.

"I think i just peed my pants" I heard Anthony mutter. Eww, no one needs to know that.

"Can someone tell me what exactly is going on here?" Estian called out from the ground.

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