chapter 29 (Day 6)

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AN; Long ass update cause i am amazing like that *flips hair*

TW; Mention of sex trafficking.

Today, breakfast went without a hustle. No i am not joking, everything went smoothly. The trouble started after that.

It all started when i decided to take Xerxes to the park. So, i went upstairs to Leander's office where Andi, Abel, Alvaro and the man himself were working, to tell Andi.  First mistake.

The entire office was covered in papers, files and other random stuff. It looked like a hurricane had it in there, or they had a pillow fight, except with sheets of papers. I preferred to think it was the later.

"So who won?" I asked, before covering my mouth with my hand. Did i just ask that? By their expressions, the answer would be unfortunately positive. Dammit.

"Right now, Ander has the upper hand." Replied Andi without missing a beat, saving me the embarrassment. This is why is love this man.

"And Alfonio said nothing was wrong. What happened?" I asked taking a seat. Abel looked like he was about to wave the question off to nothingness, so i gave him my best warning glare. He gulped in fear. Thats how you do it girl, i hyped myself.

"We are trying to track down Ramirez and his main  buildings." Answered Leander in a weary but calm and steady voice. I tuned to Andi with my deadliest glare, like i wanted to cement his legs and drown him in Bermuda triangle or boil his head and then feed it to the tigers (AN; These are the some of the threats that i was given for making Ethan date a girl other than Taylor)

"I told them to ask you. I told them that that you should be the first one to be consulted. Son, tell her what i said if you do not want me dead. It is all their fault, I did nothing. Remember darling i am your father." Rambled Andi in panic. I smile at him, and saw him visibly relax, before turning to the other three.

"I could pinpoint his location even blindfolded." I commented, before walking to the desk, picking up a couple of maps and a black marker. The boys surrounded me, as i stood on one side of the table.

"So this" I started, marking a x on the outskirts of the city, "is their main warehouse. The security is a bit lousy here" Leander raised his eyebrow at that, surprised. The main warehouse is the storage building for dealing, and contains most, if not all, the guns, drugs, and other weapons, so it has to be heavily guarded at all times. "Yeah, it is not that difficult to get in." i chuckled. "He thinks people do not even know of this place. I might have something to do with that though. Anyway, this" I marked another building on the other side of the city, "is their mafia house." I said, completely in my 'zone' right now. "This man is a complete fool." Commented Alvaro. I grinned at him in agreement.

"He felt that no one would suspect that the mafia building is so far from the warehouse." I explained.

"And what if someone attacked your warehouse? It would take you minimum an hour to get there, and by that time, all your weapons, drugs, money will be taken." Scoffed Abel. 

"These" i continued, "are his other properties. This building is where woman are kept after they are kidnapped, before sold in the auction which happens in this building." I explained with disgust, marking a couple of building not far from the mafia building. I looked up at the other four in the room, who also seemed very repulsed. Alvaro looked nauseated. 

"Any thing else you wanna know?" I asked breaking the silence. Leander shook his head.

"Why did you come here though? Did you need anything?" Asked Andi with a smile, lessening the tension in the room.

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