chapter 18

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*Rubs hands and smirks evilly. You are going to curse me so much after this.*





As stated, i was eating popcorn, with a bag of Doritos on my lap. Ooh, and i also got a large pack of gummy bears. They should last the entire show.

This was way more entertaining then any book i could have read from the library. We were all currently in the living room, where Anthony had been laid down, and was slowly gaining conscience. I had also met my aunt and uncle, who had arrived just then, and they seemed nice, but we didn't talk much, considering the current situation.  

No one had uttered a single word since then, i think they were waiting for Anthony to wake up before they did anything. Though their reactions were absolutely HILARIOUS.

The triplets were staring like the person behind all this distress would jump any moment and shout "SIKE", while Alfonio, who was leaning against the wall, had pinched himself a total of 7 times till now. 

That is 8 times now. 

Leander was sitting on the couch with Anthony's head on his lap, running his hand through the unconscious  boy's hair. He was sneaking glances every two minutes, as if waiting for all this to be a trickery of the mind.

Estian was moving in circles around the room, muttering "This better not be a dream" over and over. Every minute he would peek over to see Anthony.

And Alexandre, well he had broken two vases, and was now sitting on the ground beside his twin's couch, his head leaning against Anthony's leg.

Aunt was trying to wake Anthony, while uncle was sitting beside Charlotte, looking like he won a lottery. Charlotte was looking anxious, but carefree at the same time, studying her nails.

While the person in question, was sitting beside me on the couch, sharing my amusement and popcorn.











I feel like i should not be asking you to vote, comment, and share the story after this , but well, PWEASE?? (cue the puppy eyes)

AN; Bahahahaha, (EVIL LAUGHTER) I am laughing so hard!! I told you that i will update, but never said that i will REVEAL THE PERSON!!

Also i just realised that you guys do not even know the GENDER of the said person!


ENJOY!! and comment whatever you want!!

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