Chapter 10: New Start Pt. 1

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Chapter 10: New Start Pt. 1

(A/N: Image is not mine, unable to find actual Artist.)

"Don't be afraid of new beginnings. Don't shy away from new people, new energy, new surroundings. Embrace new chances at happiness." — Billy Chapata

As several ships full of students start to dock near the school entrance, it's passengers were ready to leave. As the doors open one blond haired boy hurriedly runs over to the nearest trash can and loses his lunch.

Both Ruby and Yang walk alongside other students follow along the concrete paved path towards the front of the school.

Ruby with her goggles look around the entirety of Beacon Academy in awe of its massive size. "Woooow~" you could hear her say.

"The view from Vale has nothing on this." Yang mentions, as Ruby looks around her vision takes her to the students walking around, her scanning their weapons in the process.

"Ooh! Ooh! Sis! That kid has a collapsible staff! And she has a fire-dust powered sword!"

"Easy there little sister, they're just weapons."

"Just weapons?! They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Plus they're SO cool!" Ruby flipped her goggles on her head. "I bet even Surveyor has a weapon we just haven't found yet!"

"Well why can't you just swoon over your own weapon. Aren't you happy with it?"

"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just...really like seeing new ones. In a way it's like meeting new people." Ruby said scanning more people and their weapons.
"But better..." she sadly mentions.

"Ruby come on, I think it's time you try and make some friends of your own." Yang says, lecturing her sister.

"But, why would I need's not like I have any anyway..."

"Hey Yang!"

Looking up Yang sees a group of four other students calling out to her and waving. Yang waves back with a smile.

"Well my friends are here, I better go see how they are. So what if you don't have any friends now...doesn't mean you shouldn't have any. Take care!"

Running along with the group Yang leaves Ruby to her own devices, hopefully to push her into meeting someone, all Ruby could do was sigh.

"I don't even know what I'm doing...whatever, that hasn't stopped me before, and it surely isn't going to stop me now!"
Feeling confident Ruby proudly takes a first step behind her.

"Wha-Huh?!" Slipping on a small glass tube filled with red colored dust, causing her to land on a pile of suitcases.

"What are you doing?!" A girl in white clothing yells. "Ugh...sorry..." Ruby says on the floor, her confidence now nonexistent, her goggles on her eyes which is now in scanning mode.

"Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused?!"

"W-what?!" Ruby says, seeing a vial of said dust she slipped on roll towards her. Which Ruby was reaching towards for.

"Give me that!" The girl yells. "This is Dust, mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry." "Uh..." Ruby said, a little confused on how the situation escalated to this.

"What are you, brain dead? Dust! Fire, water, lightning, ENERGY!" The girl yells while shaking the vial at her. Seeing specks of dust flying around Ruby notices that the dust was glowing more and more bright.

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