Chapter 27: Perspective Truths

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Chapter 27: Perspective Truths

"The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don't have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it." - Chris Pine

It was late evening when The Guardian landed in the Emerald Forest, the sun not yet setting with an orange hue around the sky. She was walking pass tree after tree in order to make her way where the marker on the HUD was leading them.

Which would be The Fallen Camp, with The Ace of Spades at the ready The Hunter was slowly but surely making her way over. Almost second guessing her plan.

The Hunter's Ghost appeared in a flash and asked his Guardian, "Do you really have to just walk up and fight them? Why can't we just scout around like we used to?"

"Because we haven't considered the long term planning of leaving House Dusk by themselves so close to civilization, while nothing to us they're dangerous to regular human. So, we get in, shoot a few Fallen, get what we need and get out."

" can't argue with that logic." The Ghost said, floating next to the Hunter.

The Hunter grumbles under her breath, "Don't need you doubting me Bell, please?" her voice echoing as she moves into a clearing, not taking her eyes off the marker, that was until she heard growling from all sides. "Oh, great." The Hunter says as Bell the Ghost teleports back into her.

Readying her Hand Cannon, she looks around and waits for her prey to jump out, one second, passed, two seconds had passed. "Below Guardian!" Bell yells out in her head and The Hunter rolls out of the way.

A Creep Grimm had tried to get the jump on her but popping up from underground. With the Grimm still in the air, all it took was one shot before the Creep Grimm exploded into a cloud of exploding black dust. All thanks to The Hand Cannon's "Firefly" Perk.

"Too easy..." she said, as a swarm of Creep Grimm decided to charge from all sides of the clearing. The Hunter sighs as she pulls out her Shattered Cipher Machine Gun and begins to mow down The Grimm.

With light enhanced bullets the Machine Gun tore up the Grimm as if they were Hive Thralls, is what The Hunter would say if they weren't dying with just one bullet.

As the Machine gun continues its barrage, a more larger Creep Grimm appears from the foliage, an Alpha Creep. The only difference between the two was that it was noticeably twice the size of its regular counterparts and that it held large spikes trailing down its back to its tail.

Yet to the Hunter this looked as if a Hive Knight had joined the battle and quickly activated her Super. Covering herself in Solar energy and vaulting into in the air, she throws a volley of Solar charged knifes.

They slashed through the Grimm instantaneously, then with a twirl she threw a second set of knives close by all the while she was still in the air. The Grimm hoard didn't stand a chance and they burned.

Unknowingly to the Grimm that were near the Knives, they would explode and incinerate any Grimm that got too close. The Hunter landed back on the ground and pulled out her Machine Gun again and started to shoot at any remaining Grimm behind her.

A pack of Beowolves as well as a few Ursa hearing the commotion charged from the Forest, not wanting to take any risks The Hunter runs into the forest The Grimm in pursuit.

Passing tree after tree she continues to run, The Grimm unrelenting, she turns and throws a set of knives at her pursuers killing an Ursa while doing so.

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