Chapter 11: New Start Pt.2

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Chapter 11: New Start Pt. 2

"Go out of your way to make an outstanding first impression." - Robert Cheeke

-Hours Later-

Night befalls across Vale and Beacon Academy and in the ballroom of the prestigious school, students are splayed out in sleeping bags. Ruby, in her pajamas and with a sleeping mask around her head, is typing on her scroll until Yang suddenly falls next to her, similarly dressed.

"It's like a big slumber party!"

Ruby still typing, not looking up at her sister replies "I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though."

"I know I do!" Yang purrs as she watches several muscular, shirtless guys until she sees Jaune dressed in feetie pajamas, waving to her, which makes her groan.

Yang sees Ruby typing and asks a question to her. "So what are you typing there?"

"A message to Surveyor. I promised to bring him with me to Beacon and he disappears without a trace. So hopefully I'm telling where I am, everything about Beacon and how things are going."

"Aw, that's so cuuuute!" A pillow is launched at her face.

"Shut up! I didn't get to take my friend with me to school! It's weird not knowing anyone here!"

"What about Jaune? He's... nice! There you go! Plus one friend! That's a hundred percent increase!"

Ruby a little annoyed flips onto her back. "Pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Back to zero..."

"There's no such things as negative friends! You just made one friend and one enemy!" Yang happily says...before getting hit with another pillow, this time looking like a dog."

Yang's expression and voice softens, putting away the pillow she hoped to explain to her sister why everything isn't as bad as it seemed.

"Look, it's only been one day. Trust me; you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet."

No words are said between the two siblings, that was until both of them noticed a candle being lit not far. The person responsible was a girl in black wearing a black bow.

"That girl..." Ruby whispers, remembering that was the same girl who chased off Weiss earlier in the day.

"You know her?" Yang asks, Ruby shakes her head left and right. "Not really, she saw what happened his morning but left before I could say anything."

"Well, now's your chance!" Yang grabs Ruby's arm and lifts her up, the latter dragging the former.

"Wait! What are you doing?!"

The mysterious girl looks over her book to see Ruby being pulled and struggling against Yang's grip as she leads them both to the young women's spot before letting go.

"Hel-looooo! I believe you two may know each other?" Yang happily says.
"Aren't you... that girl that caused that explosion?" The girl said, remembering the "small" event.

"It wasn't my fault!" *Smack!* "Agh! Ugh, yeah...that's me. My name's Ruby." The red haired girl said, a little dejected.

The girl goes back to her book to continue reading. "Okay."
Yang began whispering to Ruby "What are you doing?"

"I don't know - help me!" Ruby whispered back, going back to smiling, now invested in making a new friend.

"So... What's your name?" Ruby's sister asked.

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