Chapter 5 || A Step Into The Past

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It couldn't be. It was not my Henry sitting next to Evelyn. I couldn't be him. I was dreaming and I was sure there of. My chest began to ache as my eyes began to burn from unshed tears. My heart was beating rapidly until it stopped and dropped right down. He moved his gaze from Jackson and turned towards me.

The moment our eyes met, I knew it was not a dream. This was real. Henry Alderidge was the person sitting next to Evelyn. A painful lump formed in my throat as I watched his eyes widen. I watched in pure agony as his eyes started to water at the ends, I knew him all too well and he looked exactly the same. He did become more handsome but I couldn't dwell on that long enough. He hastily turned his gaze back to Jackson and chuckled at whatever Jackson was saying. It was like he hasn't seen me at all.

A soft whimper escaped my lips when I felt Harper's hand on my shoulder. My eyes snapped back to her panicked face.

"Are you okay?" She whispered.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I stated as my stomach rumbled.

I pushed the tray I had into her arms and without question, ran back into the kitchen where Elizabeth was cleaning a dirty pot that Abigail just handed her.

"Aren't you supposed to be out there helping Harper?" Abigail barked but her expression soften only a inch when she saw the warm tears roll down my cheeks. "Amelia?"

"I...I..I don't fee..feel good." I struggled to form a sentence as his face came and gone from vision every second.

"I think she needs a doctor." Elizabeth cried out causing a shocking pain to travel across my forehead. "Amelia, have some water." She cried out in a panic, handing me a glass of tap water.

"Is she okay?" Harper asked as she rushed into the kitchen with a empty tray. "Amelia, you're sweating!" She gasps and Abigail quickly shushes her.

"I...I.." I couldn't believe the turn of events.

One moment I was happy about Evelyn getting married, the next I suddenly felt a ache in my chest at the thought of someone else being with Henry. How did he even get here? Why was he here and why would he want to marry Her? I felt as if the walls were about to crush me and there was no way out, I could hardly hear anything the girls were telling me until Harper shook my shoulders.

"She needs help!" Elizabeth exclaimed frantically.

"Girls." Abigail started. "Harper and Elizabeth go in to the dining area and make sure everything is in order. I'll take care of Amelia." She ordered in a less bossier tone than usual.

"Oh please let her be okay." Elizabeth mumbled, biting on her nails as she followed Harper out into the foyer.

"Amelia. You have to speak to me." Abigail stated calmly, a hand on my shoulder.

"How could this have happened?" I asked no one in particular.

The frown on Abigail's face showed me that she had no idea either. Who was I kidding, she didn't even know who I really was. No one did. I had to snap out of it and control myself. I had to think of something, anything.

"I think I'm coming down with a fever." I lied, gripping my aching head. "I've felt it since this morning but I ignored it. Bad idea." I giggled dryly.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Abigail asked, waving her arms up in frustration. "You need to get in bed. Go. I'll explain everything to Mr Thompson." She ordered.

"Thank you Abigail." I mumbled, stumbling slightly as I stood up from the stool.

"Go. Before you get someone else infected."

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