Chapter 10 || Exhausting Past

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"Well, you brought me here." I stated, looking at anything but his face.

This was always my go to attitude. When I'm uncomfortable, I act smart and it usually led to mean arguments but it was all I could think of saying. My brain was too mushed and my chest started to tighten and I heard him sigh.

"I'm serious Amelia." He sighed.

The sternness in his voice sent shivers don't my spine and I fought the urge to look him in the eye and spill all my secrets. After all this time, Henry still got the same reactions out of me.

"So am I." I went on.

"Amelia." He sighed and I couldn't help but look at him. "Stop playing games please, I need to know what happened. You can't do this to me, you owe me and I want to know why you left."

He was right. I broke his heart and ran away, not giving him a bit of explanation. I did owe it to him to be honest and I was stupid to think that he would judge me. Sure he'd be mad but would he judge me? I doubt it. I had no idea what I was so afraid of. Why didn't I just tell him when I had the chance? Things would've been so much different.

"Okay." I sighed and his eyes widened a bit.

I guess he was expecting me to be a little more stubborn. I couldn't do that to him anymore, he needed to know. Here goes nothing.

"It was no secret that my father enjoyed gambling." I started and he nodded with a frown. "My mother fell sick, she...she was diagnosed with lung cancer and...and..I guess it was hard for him." His eyes softened and I couldn't look at them anymore.

I didn't need pity.

"He started gambling even more and spent less time with us and the business, he left everything for his assistant."

"Amelia, why didn't you tell me?" Henry asked, his voice broke with each word and I winced.

"Please don't interrupt me Henry." I sighed.

I couldn't give him an answer, I honestly didn't even know the answer. I thought I did, I thought I had everything figured out but when the questions were finally asked, I was blond and unable to think of an answer.


"My mother was embarrassed about the whole situation, she thought that everyone would be making fun and talking about it. She didn't want anything going into the newspapers or anything, that's why we decided to keep it to ourselves and deal with it." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered the night my mother decided to leave.

"Where have you been?" My mother asked when my father entered the door.

I was staring down from the stairs and I could tell by his swaying and lazy grin that he was drunk, again.

"Where do you think I've been?" He asked. "It's the same question over and over with you. Don't you get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again?"

"I've called the bar and I was told that you didn't even set foot in there today." My mother explained, her voice was calm.

"There are a lot of bars on this planet Mila." He groaned. "And when did you become an investigator huh?"

"When I found this in your car." She stated and all I could see was her holding up a piece of red laced material.

It took me a few days to figure out what it was and I was certain that it was someone's underwear.

"What the hell?" He asked, his eyes growing wide as he tried to reach for it but failed.

"Who's is this Sebastian?" My mother asked, her voice not as calm anymore. "Just be honest with me." She sighed. "I'm too tired for this. If you're cheating, just tell me so that I can take my daughter and leave."

"Yes." He stated, looking down and I had to cover my mouth as a whimper escaped.

"Why?" My mother was weirdly calm about this whole situation and I thought that it was because her doctor told her not to stress.

"Why?" He asked. "I'll tell you why. When last did you sleep with me huh? A man's got needs Mila and all you ever give me is stress and question upon question every time you see me."

"Okay." She sighed. "Amelia!"

"What are you doing?" My father asked as he watched me come down the stairs.

"You don't need to worry about stress anymore, we're leaving." She stated and I froze mid step.

"She acted fast." I explained, my voice shaking as I tried to fight back the tears. "She said that we didn't need him and that we would leave and live with her sister in Istanbul. She took money from the savings and said that the only thing she wanted from my father was money for her treatment."

"Did he give it?"

"When we moved to Istanbul, my mother's sister has already passed away and we could stay in her house but it wasn't finished paid, we had to pay the rest of the bills and father did send money for a few months but after that, he stopped." My voice broke, again.

"My mother got a job at the Thompsons but she quickly became too sick and there weren't enough money for the rest of her treatment so she died." At this point tears were streaming down my cheeks and I no longer had the energy to wipe them away.

Exhaustion hit me but at the same time, it felt as if a weight was taken off of my shoulders and my chest felt clear, I could breath clearly and a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

"After she died, I was on my own." I sighed.

"Amelia." He sighed and came to sit next to me.

I instantly melted into his side as I cried. He rubbed circles on my back and whispered that everything was okay and that I was no longer alone. How I missed his warm cuddles.

"I met Harper almost just in time." I giggled dryly. "She was at the market, running errands for Mrs Thompson and we spoke and connected instantly. She told me about her job and I asked her to help me. It took four days but she appeared at the same market again and told me to go with her for an interview. Mr Thompson gave me the job instantly when he found out who I was."

"Amelia why didn't you tell me?" He asked, his voice pleading. "I would've helped and we would've still been together and maybe your mother woul..."

"Stop." I pleaded. "It's too late to think about what ifs. I've done it every night before I managed to fall asleep and I'm tired of it. I just want to be at peace." I sighed and smuggled closer to him.

"Okay." He whispered and kissed the top of my head.

My cheeks felt hot and a smile crept onto my face but it disappeared when he opened his mouth again.

"Well what happened to your father?" He asked, carefully.

"Honestly, I don't know." I shrugged. "I thought he still lived there but when you mentioned that our house was empty, I guess he's gone."

"I've never seen him after you left me on the beach." He sighed. "Are you okay?"

"About not knowing where my dad is? Of course I am." I shrugged and it was the truth, a little bit. "Everything I've been through is because of him. Where I am now is because of him and I couldn't care less about where the hell he is."

My chest tightened at the thought of him lying dead somewhere and I had no clue. Questions started in my head, was he alive? If he is, was he alone? I shook my head. It shouldn't matter to me.

"I'm so sorry Amelia." Henry whispered and pulled me closer. "I'm so sorry."

I wanted to tell him that I was sorry and that I shouldn't of left him but exhaustion took over and my eyes felt heavy before sleep washed over me almost instantly.

There it is. I hope all the questions that you had about Amelia's past has been answered here. If not, feel free to ask her some questions and I'm sure she'll be willing to answer hehe.

Thank you so much for the love and support, it means the literal world! ♥♥♥

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