Chapter 11 || Déjà Vu

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I woke up and jumped when I felt a arm tighten around my waist. I turned my head to see Henry laying behind me on his couch, I was almost right on top of him and his slow and sturdy breaths showed me that he didn't mind at all. Me on the other hand, my heart was hammering in my chest and my skin burnt where his arm was wrapped around - even through my T-shirt. I sighed and laid back as I made myself comfortable. I missed this. I missed him so much that my heart felt too full to handle as I stated back at his pouty lips that were slightly parted, his breath tickled my neck and it felt warm. It sent shivers down my spine and I sighed in contentment until my eyes landed on the huge window. It was dark out and the only lights I could see were the lights of the boats on the water and the pole lights on the docks. It was a beautiful sight but I needed to head home.

"Henry." I whispered but he didn't even stir.

My lips tugged upwards at the memory of his mother complaining about how hard it was to wake him. I tried shaking him with my shoulder but still, nothing. Huffing, I tried to wiggle out of his arms and this made him groan and slowly open his eyes.

"Amelia?" He asked when his eyes opened.

He swallowed and his eyebrows were furrowed as if he didn't believe where he was or who I was.

"You're still here." He stated more to himself than to me.

I fought the urge to giggle at his disoriented state. It was always adorable to watch him come out of sleep.

"Yeah but I need to get back to the house." I stated, once again trying to wiggle out of his grasp and he tightened his hold.

"Why don't you just stay here?" He asked.

"I can't." I sighed.

As much as I wanted to freeze this moment and in it forever, I couldn't bring my heart to do that. He was engaged and he was no longer mine, I ruined that for myself and I needed to deal with it. On top of that, I'd be fired if anyone found out about it. This got my mind to function and my eyes widened as I jolted up. Mrs Thompson could not find out about any of this.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat up too. "Why can't you stay?"

"You're engaged Henry and you're going to be married soon." I sighed. "Take me home Henry." I demanded when I noticed that he wanted to protest.

"Okay." He sighed and stretched before standing up in front of me. "Did you not miss me Amelia?" He asked and when I stared up at him, my throat tightened and my mouth felt dry.

Before I knew it, he was leaning in and just as our lips were about to touch, I pushed him back. I couldn't do that to myself. I couldn't do that to him. If we kissed, there would be no turning back and it was too dangerous to even try. My heart never stopped beating for him and if we kissed, it would break all over again when he gets married. He needed to focus on his own life and his company, I didn't want to be the cause of his downfall.

"Take me home." I said again, this time with a weak and shaky voice as my eyes met the ground.

And there it stayed until I was seated back in the warmth of his car and were driving back home. Back where I was supposed to be. Back to reality. I stared out through the window, not daring to glance at him, his frown breaks my heart every time. I knew I was the cause of it and that I hurt him. It was so hard to face him yet I didn't want to leave him. I wanted to stay here with him, go back to his apartment with and never leave again. I wanted to...

"Go back to Cappadocia with me." He stated and it was then that I realised that we've stopped in the Thompson's driveway already.

"What?" I heard exactly what he said but my mind was unable to comprehend it.

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