Chapter 6 || Cold Shoulder

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The weekend went by without me even realising it, I spent the entire weekend sitting on the balcony, drowning in self pity and dread. I had no idea what was happening around me until Harper stood up for work, I decided to follow suit.

"Amelia, you still look a bit sick. Are you sure you want to work today?" Harper asked with a moaning voice that I've blocked out all morning.

"Yes I'm sure Harper." I stated emotionlessly.

I was too exhausted to even fake a smile at this point. I felt dehydrated, no matter how much bottles of water Harper and Elizabeth forced me to drink. After so much crying, I still felt lightheaded and the slight pain behind my eye has yet to disappear.

"Just remember that Mr Thompson said that you could take how long you need to get better and that you need to report to him when you're feeling yourself again." She explained as she tied her shoelaces.

Would I ever feel myself again after Friday? What did myself even feel like? I didn't even know who I was or who I was pretending to be anymore. Henry showing up into my life caused a huge shift and it was daunting. Although I missed him terribly and would do anything to be in his warm arms again, it would be better if he left as if he never came in the first place. It would make my life easier, make forgetting the past easier but I knew it didn't work that way. Life was playing with me and I was too drained to play along.

"I'm fine." I moaned. "I promise Harper."

"Okay." She smiled back sympathetically. "Let's go together then." She offered, holding out her hand for me to take.

I took her hand and together we ran into Elizabeth who was just about to leave too. A wave of nausea ran through me the minute I stepped into the Thompson Home and I tried my best to hide it when Avery came running into the foyer.

"Amelia! Do you feel better?" She asked, hugging my legs a bit too tightly.

"I feel perfect Miss Avery." I giggled, ruffing her uncombed hair. "Are you excited for school?" I asked to change the subject.

Avery and Ella were both attending private schools in the heart of the city and according to Avery, it was the best place to be. She would scream your head off if you dared to disagree.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. "I still have to get ready." She gasps as she grabbed hold of her hair.

"Let's get you breakfast first yeah?" Harper giggled, holding her hand out to Avery which she happily takes. "I'll go serve breakfast. You should go see Mr Thompson." She stated.

"Daddy is in his office Amelia!" Avery exclaimed way too loudly as I heard non other than Ella's voice screaming from the dining area for her to shut up.

Teenagers were grumpy for a reason I would never understand, even though I've been through that part of my life. In my experience, the only time I was grumpy was when I went top long without food. Henry has always been my sunshine. Oh Henry. I fought back tears as I made my way straight ahead to the double doors in the foyer.

Mr Thompson's office was decorated more modern and updated than the rest of the house, the reason being - Mrs Thompson couldn't get the last say when it came to Mr Thompson's private space.

I knocked on the brown door, nervous as I scanned the foyer for any sign of Henry. Did he leave when he saw me?

"You may come in." I heard Mr Thompson's call out through the door.

When I opened the door wide enough for me to slip through, I froze. In the leather couch in front of Mr Thompson's glass desk sat a familiar body, back facing me. I could instantly tell by the way his hair was styled that it was Henry. A knot formed in my stomach and I fought the urge to throw up and run as my eyes burnt holes into his back.

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